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I will pay for the following essay Mariujana. The essay is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Reasons why users of marijuana end up being perpetual a

I will pay for the following essay Mariujana. The essay is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

Reasons why users of marijuana end up being perpetual addicts, the essay answers why it should be legalized. Herein also is a practical check on the repercussions of marijuana abuse.

Although most people use marijuana for simply the purpose of getting high, it can also be used as a form of medication. Several medical conditions can be controlled through prescriptions of marijuana or marijuana-based products. For instance, take patients suffering from instances of vomiting or nausea, administering marijuana eliminates these health issues. Dating back from the 70s, over 35 states have resorted to legalizing the use of cannabis for medical purposes. Although this paper supports its legalization, marijuana is surrounded by many controversies. In some countries, this herb is used for medicinal value, as a religious artifact, the textile industry and during recreation. Many refer and see marijuana as the billion dollar plant, probably because those in its peddling business leap millions of money from it. If only the medicinal value was to be actualized, states would not hesitate to make marijuana a legal substance as a curative and protective drug.

Government surveys done recently indicate that approximately 25 million people in America alone have had life encounters with marijuana. Out of the 25 million, 14 million still smoke regularly regardless of the beckoning jail penalties and gospels against its use. It can be argued that marijuana is way safer than alcohol and tobacco in that 50000 and 40000 people die from alcoholism and tobacco smoking respectively. Numbers do not lie and by comparison, weed is non-toxic and there is no known cause from its death after an overdose. A government of the people by the people must listen and rest its case on the sarcasm around marijuana myths as deviant and fringe activities engaged by the society who lack vision. This is a recreational hub

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