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I will pay for the following essay Nebraska. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.After a child passes successfully his childhood crises h

I will pay for the following essay Nebraska. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

After a child passes successfully his childhood crises he faces new conflicts of a grown-up life. Erickson called the last three periods adults` crises.

The first conflict of an early adulthood is between intimacy and isolation. The main task of this period is to become intimate with someone and to form true, meaningful bond. However, loving and committed relationships with other people can be possible for those who have passed the stage of identity development successfully (Aiken, 1998). This phase takes place between 19 and 40 at the time when people usually find true friends, get married, and have children.

For the middle-aged people the main conflict arises between generativity and stagnation. The task of this period is to develop interest in future generation and produce something valuable for the society instead of closing in personal space. People from 40-to 65 are often involved in children upbringing or launching their projects in order to leave their marks in the world. This phase presupposes taking care not only about the members of the family but about a wider circle of people influencing positively their lives (Aiken, 1998). Career becomes important for this stage as it enhances social interaction.

The last period of development presupposes resolving the conflict between integrity and despair. At this phase the person is prone to analyze his/her previous experience and assess it critically. If the person views his life as successful he/she may develop integrity. If the person feels guilt for the past or feels pity for having not accomplished the set goals he/she may feel despair (Shultz & Shultz, 2013).

Ed Wood, the main character, of Pain`s “Nebraska” seems to face the final stage of his identity development as he is presumably in his mid 70-s. The problem is that Ed is not capable to resolve this stage crisis peacefully and accept his life as achievement due to numerous previous

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