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I will pay for the following essay Professional Issues. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.y ethical, professional and legal obligations

I will pay for the following essay Professional Issues. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

y ethical, professional and legal obligations regarding how, where and when to release their client records, test data and any other relevant information (APA Committee on Legal Issues, 2006). This academic paper will offer a literature review discussion on the current professional issues affecting practitioners of mental health counseling with reference to court ordered clients. The paper is arranged as follows, the first part focuses on trends pertaining to best practices, and the next part will assess the efficacies of treatment and interventions. The third part will look at measures necessary to improve or enhance service delivery.

The American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) code of ethics affects the clinical practice of mental health practitioners. This code of ethics provide guidelines that enable them to make sound ethical decisions, behavioral standards and best practices when handling their clients including the ones referred to them court (AMHCA, 2010).

According to AMHCA, a mental health counselor is required to uphold high professional standards by respecting the dignity and promoting the welfare of their clients. Fundamentally, they are required to treat the information that they have obtained in the course of their practice with utmost confidence unless permitted by the client (AMCHA, 2010). It is important to take note of the fact that the legal requirements of the court order may conflict with the responsibility to keep client information confidential (APA, Committee on Legal Issues, 2006). This is because disclosure of client information in the event of such an order requires that the outcomes of the treatment to be made available to the court (AMCHA, 2010). The courts and the legal system therefore have an overriding authority to overrule the established code of practice for mental health professionals through legal and judicial exceptions (APA, Committee on Legal Issues, 2006).

Courts may sometimes order mental health counselors

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