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I will pay for the following essay QQTP2. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Although the theories are interesting, I am not sure how us

I will pay for the following essay QQTP2. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

Although the theories are interesting, I am not sure how useful they are after college.

1. The chart on p. 111 is very important because it provides a visual idea of the chapter and the theories that are in the chapter. This helped me understand the theories as I came to each one. I could flip back to the chart as needed, to understand the flow of the chapter easier.

2. I also think the discussion on learning readiness is important because students have to be ready to learn or they walk away from learning as they get older. The author makes the point that readiness is dependent on the learner’s cognitive abilities and the subject matter, makes sense because again, this points back to the student’s knowledge that they already have before they start the class.

3. I also thought the concept that sometimes a child may have learning that is more difficult for them at their developmental stage also explained why two children who are the same age, may or may not be able to learn certain things. The concept of cultural influence comes into play in this situation.

4. The discussion on schemas and schemata was also interesting. I found the idea that schemata guide human actions particularly interesting because I can relate tot his situation. When I have been in situations where I was irritated by a professor or by other classmates, I had to rely on what I understood in the situation and really look to see whether my interpretation seemed correct or not.

5. The idea of advance organizers rang a bell with me because I remember in grade school how teachers would present an interesting topic to us by showing us a chart and talking about it or reading a book about the subject before we got to it. In this way, we were motivated to learn more about the topic.

1. “Any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development” (p. 229-230). I chose this quote because I am not sure I

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