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I will pay for the following essay Religious Interview with a Protestant. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.He is a youth ambassador in

I will pay for the following essay Religious Interview with a Protestant. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

He is a youth ambassador in the local church, a mission that has nurtured him into a spiritual leader who inspires other youngsters into the ways of God.

In matters of religion activities, Georges father always arranged special events at the church apart from the normal Christian holidays such as the Easter holiday and Christmas. The events involved different churches camping at the church and exchange of ideas in terms of building spiritualism, living in the ways of the Almighty as well as attempting examinations on the most important tenets of Christian life. The underlying mission for these events was to inculcate young and adult Christians with the virtues of the Lord that would bring to track the Christians who were shaken in spirit. The events were also important in venerating the name of the Lord and thanking Him for the gift of life.

The events were enjoyable since there were musical instruments to play. feasting of all kind and the general euphoria of socializing was just intriguing. George was the lead youth in the youth group present at the event. The youngsters enjoyed in playing the different musical instruments while the elderly people read the Bible interpreted it and passed the interpretation to the youngsters. The examinations were taken by the youngsters present at the event after being taught and receiving the interpretation of the Bible verses from the elderly. The general mood was joyous, and so everyone enjoyed the activities according to Georges confessions.

Georges current religious view is simply Christian. He is a staunch practicing Christian, who follows the Christian principles in all spheres of life. He is proud of being Christian and reveres the Almighty God according to the ways of Christianity. He is a believer in Christianity.

George did not change in his religious affiliation since he was brought up in a Christian way of life.

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