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I will pay for the following essay Renewable Energy VS Fossil Fuel. The essay is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Download file to see previous pag

I will pay for the following essay Renewable Energy VS Fossil Fuel. The essay is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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There has also been question over the possibility of depletion of current fossil fuel reserves, fossil fuels are those that are not renewable, one they are exploited, they cannot be replenished. In this regard, there has been a concern to opt for other sources of energy that are renewable and can be used over and again without depletion. It is then construable that renewable sources of energy can provide a solution to the myriad of problems that comes with the fossil fuels and should be fast tracked to check on the challenges occasioned by overreliance on one source of fuels-fossil fuel The need to consider other sources of energy is even accentuated by the fact that fossil fuels that are not only non-renewable, they are also scarcely distributed and this brings more competition on the resource leading to the increase in the cost of using such sources of fuels. This move to opt for other sources of energy comes at a time when other countries fully depends on the production of the fossil fuels to drive there economy. Notwithstanding, the move to consider alternative sources of fuel is aimed at easing the pressure that is mounted on the use of fossil fuel so that prices can be moderated while at the same time the environment is kept clean (Singh and Steven 21). As indicated in the first paragraph, fuels can be classified into renewable and non-renewable, fossil fuels fall under the category of non-renewable sources of fuels. There is a clear distinction between the sources of energy that one is able to identify and classify them owing to the nature of their formation. Different types of fuel that fall under either fossil or renewable, and each has its own distinct characteristics setting it apart from the other. Fossil fuels are those that emanate from changes in the atmosphere from the carboniferous era, they consist of Coal, Petroleum, and Natural gas, fossil fuels are made from the process of anaerobic decomposition of the organism that were buried long time. The dead buried organism will have to be subjected to intense heat and pressure which then results into the formation of the fossils fuels. It has to noted that for the organisms to turn into fossils fuels, the take millions of years underground, for instance, there are those that takes up to about 650 million years for the organisms to give fossil fuels. One of the characteristics of the fossil fuels that is notable is high percentage of carbon content, though the percentage of the carbon in the fuels to differ from one compound to the next. There content of carbon is the facilitating factor for the environmental pollution. on the other hand, renewable energy is that which originates from materials that receive continued replenishment from nature and include sunlight, tides among others. The fact that, renewable source of energy are spread in almost all the geographical regions makes it suitable for the production of sufficient energy to drive the economy unlike that of fossil fuels that is only skewed to selected geographical areas. This make renewable source of energy to be a better alternative of reducing cost of the fuels, controlling pollution, and providing enough energy that can sustain the high demand that is in the offing. Given the nature of the renewable sources of energy, there is only modification and development of the sites for them to be harnessed, for example, in a river with a waterfall, the only development expected for the energy to be harnessed is fixation of the turbines and construction of the hydropower station.

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