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I will pay for the following essay The Color Purple. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Download file to see previous pages... Celie spe

I will pay for the following essay The Color Purple. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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Celie spends her time cooking and cleaning, caring for Albert's children, and putting up with Albert's father whom Albert all but worships and Celie hates.

Celie makes a friend in tough Sophie, a young girl who marries a Harpo, a dapper young man. Even though Harpo's father is against the marriage, Sophie wins the battle and they are married in the small church. Sophie and Harpo squabble over who is the boss of the house, and one day when Celie is working in the yard, Harpo asks her how he should control Sophie. She tells him the only thing she knows: "Beat her."

After Sophie bawls Celie out for the advice and Harpo shows up with a black eye, Sophie leaves Harpo for something better. Celie wishes she could leave like that, but she knows Albert would likely kill her if she even thought about it.

Celie often thinks of Nettie, who had taught her how to read and write, since Nettie had gone to school and Celie did not. Unknown to Celie, Nettie was writing her letters, which she never saw but asked for often when the post was delivered.

When Celie went to town, she often thought she saw her baby girl, whom she had named Olivia.

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