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I will pay for the following essay The emerging role of the nuclear medicine practitioner- enablers and barriers. The essay is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a re

I will pay for the following essay The emerging role of the nuclear medicine practitioner- enablers and barriers. The essay is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

There are three major types of people who are working and under the field of nuclear medicine, and they include, the nuclear physician, the nuclear medicine technologist, and the nuclear pharmacist. The nuclear physicians are responsible in diagnosing and treating a patient. Furthermore, they have the responsibility of carrying out research in this field of nuclear technology.

The technician on the other hand, works with a patient, and he or she is a specialized individual who assists the physician in diagnosing and treating a patient. The pharmacist on the other hand, involves himself in the procurement, control, and distribution of radio-pharmaceutical products (Laake, Benestad & Olsen, 2007). This is an indication that this field on nuclear medicine is an independent specialty, and well organized, and hence it can cater for the needs of its patients. This paper is a proposal on the researcher to be carried out on the enablers and barriers to the practice of nuclear medicine. This paper takes a stand that in as much as there are some factors responsible for promoting the practice of nuclear medicine, there are also some barriers.

One of the major challenges facing nuclear medicine is based on the dangers of radiation. Radiation is a very serious issue, and can have a very negative impact on the health of an individual. This includes the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, which are always difficult to treat. Furthermore, it is highly expensive to train nuclear medicine experts, and this is the reason there is a shortage of nuclear medicine practitioners in the world (Moniuszko & Patel, 2011). There is also a dilemma on where to place this field of nuclear medicine. This is because there is confusion on whether to categorize nuclear medicine under the field of medicine, or to give it an independent specialty.

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