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I will pay for the following essay The work of Pierre Bourdieu and Robert Putnam has encouraged us to reconsider new ways of understanding social class. Reflect on the ways in which their work has bee

I will pay for the following essay The work of Pierre Bourdieu and Robert Putnam has encouraged us to reconsider new ways of understanding social class. Reflect on the ways in which their work has been used in the sociology of sport to challenge and/or advance our previous ways of thinking. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

The concept of Putman on social capital is social norms and obligations, moral values, and social networks. Pierre’s concept, developed in 1970s and ‘80s, focuses on culture, social capital and economics.

The Bourdieu and Putnam encourage people to consider adopting new ways of understanding social class.

Their work has been used in the sociology of sport to challenge and/or advance our previous ways of thinking. The community has to learn that cohesive living among people of different social classes can only be achieved by working towards a common goal and this can be realized in sports. The question people normally ask themselves is. what are the potential hindrances to our common good, our society, and our public good? What role do sports play in the sports sociology to challenge and advance our social thinking of social classes?

Sports institution, especially sports teams and sport media have enough potentials of promoting sociology in our society. (Putman 1995, p. 67) believes that sports have potentials of facilitating dialogue, fostering citizenship, and community building in ways that increase meaningful participation, in a process that is democratic. Some scholars believe that sport teams can give room to community’s formative experience, civil belonging and engagement and therefore, they offer a genuine democratic citizenship in experience. In order to develop the community, a sports team has to be developed first because if members are committed to the common good, that is helping to shape the groups life. this offers great potentials of promoting civic engagement.

Take an example where the society has been experiencing ethnic misunderstandings. Peace and understanding between them can be fostered by engaging sport teams in games Also, if the youth can decide to build a sports team that comprises members of diverse ethnic backgrounds with a

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