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Identify three socio-economically different school districts in your state. Conduct an internet search on their respective tax bases (i.e. how much income does each district receive from its residents
Identify three socio-economically different school districts in your state. Conduct an internet search on their respective tax bases (i.e. how much income does each district receive from its residents). Now conduct an internet search of each district’s racial composition. Note any differences in the racial composition of each district and how they correspond to funding for public education. Skills Describe the differences in educational resources around the world and the concept of universal access to education. Discuss historical and contemporary issues in education.
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**** ** ***** *** wealthiest ****** ** *** union ******* ****** ** kids ***** here ****** ********* ***** *** ** ***** *** **** worst ****** *** ****** ***** ******** ** ************* ***** ********** ** ********* *** Darien **** ***** ***** ** ******** ********** ******* psychologists personal ******* *** ********** ********* ***** ** excessive-poverty ***** like ********** and *** ******* ***** **** ********* **** to have **** ******** in **** of ***** ******* *** *** **** have got ***** ******** counselors *** psychologists *********** ********* extra *********** ********* *** bigger **** ***** **** wealthier districts ** **** **** an ongoing ******* ********* spends ***** ***** *** ***** *** 12 ****** **** ********** does according ** *** ***** ********** ** ************ ************* occur ******* given **** ****** ******* districts ** *********** *** in ** **** ** *** *** *** *** **** *** aid ** local ****** *** ****** *** are funded ******* ************ ******** ***** High-poverty areas **** ********** *** *** ******* **** ****** back ********* ****** and ******** ***** ***** *** ** ***** ***** ** a *** ** **** ** a ***** **** ****** ** ********* ***** homes are ***** ******** of ********* ** ********** Plaintiffs ** * *************** lawsuit in *********** ***** ***** ******* ********* ******* **** ***** ***** **** *** ***** **** have to ** required ** ********** these ************* ***** ******* * ********* of *** *** *** ******** ********* ****** *** ***** ********* ** **** the ******* *********** ********* for ******* ** ********* ******* ******* v **** **** **** * ******** ******* ********** in tuition ******* violates *** ********* ** *** ******** ****** is **************** the ****** *** *** *********** ****** P ****** ****** ** ******** ************* ***** ****** ***** ** **** month *********** **** ************ ****** and seeing **** **** inequitably ********* *********** ***** the first ***** ** ******* **** *** conundrum ******* ** relying closely on ************ property ***** ** fund colleges; considering *** **** **** *** ***** nearly ***** ***** *** had ********** **** ********* schooling according ** ******* Rebell *** executive ******** ** *** ******* *** *********** equity ** teachers institution at ******** ******* ****** *** ***** ******* ***** filed in **** ** *** state's *** *********** lawsuit ** equity The ******* ** **** ******** ** the ***** ***** ******** ** ************ **** ******* ***** districts although *** ********** ** *** ***** case argue *** state has deserted that process known ** ******** rate ********* **** state though ******** ******* ********* *** ****** ********* ********* to exist ****** ** *** ***** for the ****** that ********* ** paid for with *** ****** ** **** ** **** in * ******** which ******* *********** ***** *** ****** ** money ******** to ********* educate *********** process **** *** *** ********** opportunity ********* * landmark **** ****** **** * ****** conved ******* *** ******** ********* ********* **** Duncan *** ******** *** ********** *** suggestedThis is ****** **** you consider that school ******* is ** regional The federal ********** ***** ** ***** ***** ** 9 ******* ** ******* budgets nationally ******* much of **** ** *** ******** ************* to **** ***** and **** *** decreased ***** packages ****** *** ************ *********** ***** *** ******* although *** process varies ******* ** *** stateNationally high-poverty districts spend *** ******* much **** *** ******* **** low-poverty ********* ** according ** the US ********** ** schooling *** **** ******** *** irreparably harm * ****** ***** future *********** *** ******** **** **** households A 20 ******* ******* ** ********* spending ** ** months *** bad **** *** **** ** * ********* ** ** ************ ********* ** percent ****** gains *** * 20-percent ***** discount ** the ********* of ******* in ********* according ** * ***** from *** national ****** ** ****** *********** Jimenez Sims * *********** ******* ******* the differences ******* wealthy and **** ******* districts ********* **** *** was ****** ** *** ******* **** ** *** ****** areas ** *** ***** taught ***** except the ******** **** **** *** bilingual education ************ ** which ****** she received * *** ** Manchester an extra prosperous ****** In ********** scholars *** ********** ********** ******* *** **** had ********** apparatus **** ********** and ******* *********** ** New ******* ****** ****** get individual desktops and there weren't *** ******** ********** or *********** ******* **** ***** **** in *********** realized ********** ********** *** I ******* ** ******* *********** *** fact **** ** the ****** of those ****** she ********** ** ******* **** there's **** * ****** ******* scholars ******* *** *********** *********** **** ** many ********* ******** ********** and **** **** didn't have ** **** **** ** ***** ** ** ******** **** *** ******** **** **** ****** ** ***** ******** **** ******* **** ********* extra ********** ****** *** *** district *** ********** ** *** ********* ********** teachers *** guidance ********** would **** **** to **** **** *********** students ** a ********** than expelling **** right awayTestimony ****** the CCJEF ***** ***** *** *** ********** ******* ******** ***** like New ******* ******* Bridgeport *** East ******** and wealthier ***** **** *** ****** ********* and ****** ********* **** ******** *** ******* *** ****** *** ****** ******** ** **** ** ********* ********* *** **** *** ** ****** **** *** ******* ***** eighty ******* ** ****** qualify ******* cost or lowered ***** ******** **** ** much funding per ********************* ******* ** Darien ** Bridgeport *** ***** ***** ***** hover ***** ** *** *********** ******* ** 29 ******** *** 15-to ***************** textbooks; in *** London ********************* ********* **** **** **** ******* **** ** ******** *** *** **** and **** *** station ***** **** ** the hallways to gather rain ***** *********** ********** institution ******* ***** ***** ** ****** per ** months **** ********* ********* East ********** is ******* ** **** *********** to ******* down rates ** ******* *** poorer ******** *********** *** *** **** *** ******* * method ***** as NextGen to measure ******* *** ***** competencies *********** and ********** ********* ************ ******* *** 59 ***** percent *** *** ******* *** *********** ********* ******* **** scored *** percentage *** ****** ****** ************ 1 Graduation charges *** *** **** ****** *** ****** ********* ***** ***** persistent ************** **** ** *** ******* **** ** **** it spends sufficient on ********* *** **** *********** has one ** *** **** ********* satisfactory public *********** ******* The academic cost Sharing components **** *** ******** **** through the legislature *** ***** **** *** *********** ***** ****** more ** bad districts **** **** areas ** *** ****** It says **** **** ***** ** asking is ****** $2 ******* extra ** ******** ******* to **** ******* equitable a *** **** **** be ********* to raise in a ************** ********** ** wholeheartedly ***** the **** of ****** ************ ** *********** ************* *** ******* *** *** *********** children it ** the state's ******** **** that ***** *********** *** ************** obligations and **** the ********** ** how *** can strengthen these ********** *** ************ left ** the right policymakers: ************ communities *** participants ** *** ***** ********* ****** M ********* a *********** *** *********** ******** ***** George ****** informed me ** ** emailyet *** ****** fact ***** **** delegating ********* ******* ** ****** communities ********* ********** ****** ********* true ** *********** ***** *** **** of *** ******* ****** *********** ****** the ****** ********* ** *********** **** *** terrible ********* ** most ***** **** **** and every ***** ********** is in the ***** county as ********* *** Darien; East ******** ** poor *** *** ************ West ******** ** ******** *** did a state **** *********** which *** some ** the ***** laws ****** public ********* mandatory emerge as so divided? *** why **** **** ** ******* ********* ***** ** a ****** **** puts *** **** excessive ******** ** equality?A few of the ****** ***** **** arisen ** ************* ********** procedure *** **** be ****** back ** *** ****** ********* **** ** be ************* ** **** nation and *** ** **** ** ** ********** ** *** **** ** approach that ** its ****** was **** **** ********** and ************** *** that ******* **** **** working *** ******** todayThe ******* *** **** **** *********** *** what ***** **** **** ************* ** * single *** can ****** *********** ** * different ****** ******** ******** *** ***** days ** *** ******** colonies *** **** of schooling a ****** *** bought ******** on where *** ***** was * he ** * *** ***** were **** more ****** ** *** ******** ** all) **** ***** *** or her ********* *** **** *** place he ** *** ***** *** **** **** *** ** *** ***** **** *** *** **** ****** *** ** ** ******** to ****** **** *** Jersey ************ *** big apple relied ** devout ******** ** ******* ********** whilst ******** ****** ******** on ********** owners ** **** **** ******* ***** a ********* of ******** ********** ** ****** CollegeIt *** **** the Puritans ** Massachusetts *** first ********* ****** ******* and *** ********** to use ************ receipts to *** *** **** *** ************* *** ** **** required **** *** and *** *** ** it **** ***** ******** **** easy ******* ** **** *** ****** **** that ********** was **** ******* ********** *** ****** handed *** ************* *********** *** of **** which ******** **** town **** 50 ********** or ***** rent *** ********** to ******** *** ********** ** ***** *** write **** public ********* *** **** made ******** *** a ************ *** ****** the ******** **** ********** **** * ***** The ************ Property Tax *** Public faculties: **** ******* views **** *** *** ** ***** D ****** * ***** ******** and ********* ********** ** ***** *** ***** ****** *** the ****** school *** ******** instituted * property *** ** ** ****** ********** earlier ** *** ******** **** **** to ***** money **** ****** The *** ******* ******* ****** ******** ** the ******* ******** ******** with ***** ****** as good as ***** ***** cows *** **** *********** ******* in **** legislation ********* ****** to instruct regional **** *** **** the ***** sort ** ***************** tax was *** * ***** *** ******** it came **** a ****** ****** ******* via ******* the ********* in the ******** ******* when he divided ** ******* ******* *** lieutenants *** ******** *** *** *** women ** *** land to *** * ***** **** *** intention to ****** there **** used to ** new ***** *** colonial property-tax ********* *** **** how ***** it *** **** ***** 12 ****** **** ******** would meet *** ******* ******** ***** *** **** **** than a *** folks should *** *** the *** **** money used to ** ** ** spent *** *** *** ******** handy ** ****** ******* it **** ** ** * *** ******* ** look ** *** much property a ****** ***** **** it was **** ** see what ******** of ***** ** **** ************** the ******* ******* ********* had ** *** **** ************* ** **** **************** *********** ******** *** ** **** *** **** ********* ***** and **** ****************** **** procedure ** utilizing property taxes to *** for ****** ********* *** *** **** to ** **** ********** That's ********* ** account **** *** ******** **** **** *** ** the ***** egalitarian locations ** *** planet *** ***** ****** ** the ***** Public ********* ******* out to **** *** to ** **** normal ****** the ******** ******* ** ********** poured into *** nation's cities ********* ******* **** *** to ********** **** ***** ****** ****** ******** *** ********* reformer ****** Mann *** ******** who grew to ****** *** ********* ** *** newly ********* ************* ***** ** ********* in **** believed that public ********* *** ***** for *** ************ ** a ******* wide identity ** ******** to ** ********* *** **** ********* ** the ************ ** ********* schooling *** ****** **** **** **** ** ** ************ ************** states ********* stepping ** ***** **** ******* *** Board of ********* ** **** ** ******* *** *** ******** * ******** of state ******* ** schooling ** **** ************* ****** the first law ********* mothers and ******* ** **** ***** **** ** * ****** *********** for ** **** **** 12 weeksThe ******* ** ****** **** ********* a ****** *** **** controversial *** **** ********* political ******* ****** *** nineteenth ******* besides *** ********* ********* ****** ********** ******** when ********* ******** **** ****** ** *** * ***** *** *** **** ** ****** ********* into ****** ************* *** ******** ** ***** ********* ******* ******* ************* ********* *** ******* **** ********* **** ***** ***** ** all ***** ** **** ****** basic *** ********* ******* ****** *** ***** even ** the ******** ************ ******** an efficient ******** ** excessive-pleasant ****** *********** institutions and offeringsdespite *** ******* ********** ** ********** public ********* **** *** *** ** *** *** ** *** ********** ******* *** ********** ** ********* ******** ******** * ***** for individual ****** *** *** ****** ** * whole *** ****** still **** so **** of *** funding of ******** as much ** ****** and ****** ***** relied ** ******** *** ** 1890 property ***** ********* for *** percentage ** **************** revenues ** *** ** This means **** ** America ********* and ************** *** *********** ************** ********** ** *** did the universities ***** that *** ****** ******** ** **** **** ********* **** had **** cash *** ********** the ***** part ** *** ********* century ****** ***** ** **** ** *** ******* ******** ** districts ** ***** **** tuition ******* was equitable ** line **** Allan ***** ** proficient ** school ******* *** ** a ********* ******** ** *** ********** ** ***************** *** **** wealthier ********* ***** ***** **** more ****** through ********** ******** ****** *** *** ***** ********* ******** ** as *** as **** once had ** **** ********* ************ *********** **** ** ****** ******* *** ******* ****** the ******* after ***** battle ** when ***** ********** moved out ** the ****** **** *** ******* *** ******* *********** ******** ***** and ***** ******** *** **** stuck ****** *** ****** where property ****** ********* *** colleges ****** ****** resources ** some ****** where tuition ********* *** **** *** ** *** ****** ****** charges ***** be ****** ******* rich and **** ********* through ********* *** integrating **** ********** ***** Brown * ***** ** ********* But in ****** **** *********** **** deeper ********* ** ****** ********* ***** **** **** ******** *** hundreds ** ******** districts *** ** used ** ** way more ********* ** ******* **** ** ** equalize ******* ********** *********** ******** Johnston * ******* ** ******** essentially the **** ********** try and ameliorate ***** disparities *** **** ** **** in a Supreme ********* case *** Antonio ******** ******* District * ********* ** began **** * father named Demetrio Rodriguez whose **** ******** * dilapidated *********** ********** ** a bad **** of *** ******* sued *** ***** of Texas ******** **** *** *** **** schools **** ****** *********** ******** *** ** ********** ************ ****** Rodriguez desired *** ******** ** ***** the same good ******** ****** ******* ** Brown * ***** ** schooling that each student is guaranteed ** equal *********** to ********* *** ******** ********* ** * 5-four ********* **** ***** **** ***** is no ***** ** equal funding ** ********* ***** the *********