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Identifying clients' needs is necessary to determine appropriate treatment programs and interventions. In this assignment, you will review a completed needs assessment and identify the immediate needs

Identifying clients' needs is necessary to determine appropriate treatment programs and interventions. In this assignment, you will review a completed needs assessment and identify the immediate needs of the client, as well as propose treatment options.

Imagine you are a human service professional working in an institutional corrections facility. You have completed a needs assessment on an individual who is entering the facility and must write your report of the results, as well as recommend a course of treatment.

Review the Sample Needs Assessment.

Write a 525- to 700-word report that includes the following:

  • Summarize the needs of the client, based on the information and severity codes in the Sample Needs Assessment.
  • Identify the top needs requiring immediate intervention, and explain why these are high priority needs.
  • Recommend potential treatment programs for this client's treatment plan, based on the identified needs.
  • Explain why these programs are a necessary part of the client's treatment plan.

Include a minimum of 2 sources.

Format your report consistent with APA guidelines.

Locate 3 assessment instruments/tools used to assess different areas of need for individuals involved with the correctional system. These can be related to mental health, substance abuse, education, etc.

Create a  2-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to showcase these instruments, in which you do the following for each assessment tool:

Identify the population the instrument is meant to assess.

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