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If you are just going to comment and not answer then don't even bother on commenting! Part One: (A) Read over the three tests for constitutionality...

If you are just going to comment and not answer then don't even bother on commenting! Part One: (A) Read over the three tests for constitutionality of religious issues on page 164 of the text. Which one do you think is the most appropriate to determine if an organized pre-game prayer by a public high school basketball team in its locker room would be successfully challenged? (B) Would there be any difference if the pregame prayer was made over the loudspeaker before the game? Religious IssuesThe first part of this Amendment deals with religious freedom and is referredto as the establishment clause and the free exercise clause. The establishmentclause bans the government or its agencies from establishing a state-sponsoredreligion, promoting (endorsing or aiding) a specific religion, or favoring onereligion over another. This is referred to as separation between church andstate. The free exercise clause bans the government or its agencies from interferingwith anyone’s religious belief. In other words, the government cannotinterfere with an individual’s practice of his or her religious beliefs.The U.S. Supreme Court has established three tests to determine whetherreligious practices challenged under the First Amendment are unconstitutional:•

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