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Imagine that you have been hired to fulfill their need of enhancing the data repository for their current reservation processing system. Upon reviewing the system, you find that the data structure hol

Imagine that you have been hired to fulfill their need of enhancing the data repository for their current reservation processing system. Upon reviewing the system, you find that the data structure holds redundant data and that this structure lacks normalization. The database has the following characteristics:

  • A table that stores all the salespersons. The table holds their employee id, first name, last name and “Tours sold” field. The “Tours sold” field is updated manually.
  • A table that stores tour customer data and tours sold. The table holds customer name, address, city, state, zip code, tour(s) selected, number of persons in tour, and total amount paid. The current structure will show the customer more than once, if the customer books multiple tours.
  • A tour table that is used as a tour rate sheet which holds the tours offered and the cost per person. Tour rates vary every three (3) months depending on the tourist season.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you propose an enhanced database management strategy. Your proposal should include the following:

  1. Design a data model that will conform to the following criteria:
    1. Propose an efficient data structure that may hold the tour operator’s data using a normalization process. Describe each step of the process that will enable you to have a 2nd Normal Form data structure.
    2. Create naming conventions for each entity and attributes.
    3. Conclude your data model design with an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will visually represent the relationships between the tables. You may make use of graphical tools with which you are familiar. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
  2. Construct a query that can be used on a report for determining how many days the customer’s invoice will require payment if total amount due is within 45 days. Provide a copy of your working code as part of the paper.
  3. Using the salesperson table described in the summary above, complete the following:
    1. Construct a trigger that will increase the field that holds the total number of tours sold per salesperson by an increment of one (1).
    2. Create a query that can produce results that show the quantity of customers each salesperson has sold tours to. 
  4. Support the reasoning behind using stored procedures within the database as an optimization process for the database transactions.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Include charts or diagrams created in any chart or drawing tool with which you are familiar. The completed diagrams / charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

Points: 90

Assignment 5: Tour Operator Agency Database 


UnacceptableBelow 70% F

Fair70-79% C

Proficient80-89% B

Exemplary90-100% A

1a. Design a data model that will propose an efficient data structure that may hold the tour operator’s data using a normalization process. Describe each step of the process that will enable you to have a 2nd Normal Form data structure.Weight: 10%

Did not submit or incompletely designed a data model that will propose an efficient data structure that may hold the tour operator’ s data using a normalization process. Did not submit or incompletely described each step of the process that will enable you to have a 2nd Normal Form data structure.

Partially designed a data model that will propose an efficient data structure that may hold the tour operator’s data using a normalization process. Partially described each step of the process that will enable you to have a 2nd Normal Form data structure.

Satisfactorily designed a data model that will propose an efficient data structure that may hold the tour operator’s data using a normalization process. Satisfactorily described each step of the process that will enable you to have a 2nd Normal Form data structure.

Thoroughly designed a data model that will propose an efficient data structure that may hold the tour operator’s data using a normalization process. Thoroughly described each step of the process that will enable you to have a 2nd Normal Form data structure.

1b. Design a data model that will create naming conventions for each entity and attributes.Weight: 10%

Did not submit or incompletely designed a data model that will create naming conventions for each entity and attributes.

Partially designed a data model that will create naming conventions for each entity and attributes.

Satisfactorily designed a data model that will create naming conventions for each entity and attributes.

Thoroughly designed a data model that will create naming conventions for each entity and attributes.

1c. Design a data model that will conclude your data model design with an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will visually represent the relationships between the tables.Weight: 10%

Did not submit or incompletely designed a data model that will conclude your data model design with an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will visually represent the relationships between the tables.

Partially designed a data model that will conclude your data model design with an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will visually represent the relationships between the tables.

Satisfactorily designed a data model that will conclude your data model design with an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will visually represent the relationships between the tables.

Thoroughly designed a data model that will conclude your data model design with an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will visually represent the relationships between the tables.

2. Construct a query that can be used on a report for determining how many days the customer’s invoice will require payment if total amount due is within 45 days. Provide a copy of your working code as part of the paper.Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely constructed a query that can be used on a report for determining how many days the customer’s invoice will require payment if total amount due is within 45 days. Did not submit or incompletely provided a copy of your working code as part of the paper.

Partially constructed a query that can be used on a report for determining how many days the customer’s invoice will require payment if total amount due is within 45 days. Partially provided a copy of your working code as part of the paper.

Satisfactorily constructed a query that can be used on a report for determining how many days the customer’s invoice will require payment if total amount due is within 45 days. Satisfactorily provided a copy of your working code as part of the paper.

Thoroughly constructed a query that can be used on a report for determining how many days the customer’s invoice will require payment if total amount due is within 45 days. Thoroughly provided a copy of your working code as part of the paper.

3a. Construct a trigger that will increase the field that holds the total number of tours sold per salesperson by an increment of one (1).Weight: 10%

Did not submit or incompletely constructed a trigger that will increase the field that holds the total number of tours sold per salesperson by an increment of one (1).

Partially constructed a trigger that will increase the field that holds the total number of tours sold per salesperson by an increment of one (1).

Satisfactorily constructed a trigger that will increase the field that holds the total number of tours sold per salesperson by an increment of one (1).

Thoroughly constructed a trigger that will increase the field that holds the total number of tours sold per salesperson by an increment of one (1).

3b. Create a query that can produce results that show the quantity of customers each salesperson has sold tours to. Weight: 10%

Did not submit or incompletely created a query that can produce results that show the quantity of customers each salesperson has sold tours to. 

Partially created a query that can produce results that show the quantity of customers each salesperson has sold tours to. 

Satisfactorily created a query that can produce results that show the quantity of customers each salesperson has sold tours to. 

Thoroughly created a query that can produce results that show the quantity of customers each salesperson has sold tours to. 

4. Support the reasoning behind using Stored Procedures within the database as an optimization process for the database transactions.Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely supported the reasoning behind using Stored Procedures within the database as an optimization process for the database transactions.

Partially supported the reasoning behind using Stored Procedures within the database as an optimization process for the database transactions.

Satisfactorily supported the reasoning behind using Stored Procedures within the database as an optimization process for the database transactions.

Thoroughly supported the reasoning behind using Stored Procedures within the database as an optimization process for the database transactions.

5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirementsWeight: 10%

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