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Imagine you have been hired as a digital marketing manager by fusion restaurant Michiu (fusion cooking is where different cuisines are combined in...

Imagine you have been hired as a digital marketing manager by fusion restaurant Michiu (fusion cooking is where different cuisines are combined in surprising ways). As the digital marketing manager, you are responsible for promotion of the offerings and building customer relationships over the internet. Michiu has a website and some social media pages but up to now have not been very active in their online interactions. By hiring you, they hope to change this and add value to customers through online interactions.

Your textbook covers four methods for interacting with consumers online.

  1. a) Briefly explain TWO of the four methods.
  2. b) Briefly explain how Michiu could use each of those two methods for interacting with consumers online.

Customer relationships can be beneficial for a firm and for consumers. However, direct and digital marketers are sometimes accused of unethical and annoying practices.

c) Briefly describe TWO direct or digital marketing practices that might be considered unethical or annoying.

d) Explain TWO actions that ethical marketers employ to avoid these concerns.

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