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Implementation Plan, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plan Analysis
Boston beer is the business
Strategic Plan: Implementation Plan, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plan Analysis
Write a 1,400-word minimum strategic implementation plan in which you include the following:
- Create an implementation plan including:
- Objectives
- Functional tactics
- Action items
- Milestones and deadlines
- Tasks and task ownership
- Resource allocation
- Recommend any organizational change management strategies that may enhance successful implementation.
- Develop key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart.
- Create a risk management plan including contingency plans for the identified risks.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
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************** ******* ****** Beer ******* ** doing ***** **** in *** ******* operations ** *** **** ***** well ** *** **** ******* *** **** the ***** 30 ********* where ** ******* *** beer ******* The company is ****** * *** ***** ********* * ****** and manage to sell 975 bottles in * ****** *** ** the quarter ** **** *** **** ****** $87 349 *** on ****** * *** ******* and *** social *********** **** the ******** consumers **** **** **** ********* *** ***** *********** ******** **** **** **** ** ***** quite **** and ** *********** ****** *** ******** *** *************** ******** **** ***** ** **** * strong ********* **** and good reputation and ** a case of *** *** firm holds *** ****** **** *** *************** ("Overview * *** Boston **** ******* * ** ***** *****
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** **** ************ ******** successful all *** ********* ******* **** be ********** *** ************** **** *** ** be reviewed by *** management to ensure that ******** **** ** walking ** *** ***** ** ******* *** *** strategy **** have effects ** organization ******* its ******* rate *** ****** ********* ************ ******** ***** **** ** ******** *** **** ******* ******* ** *** strategy ** will ***** the organization ** making ***** *********
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***** ********* Strategic Plan: Implementation **** ********* Controls *** *********** **** *********** ******** ***** ** developing *** ******** the ***** ***** business can ** ********* presented ** ** implementation plan that ******* *** *** limited to objectives schedules *** resource ********** ****** ********* *********** ************** ********* adjustments *** ******* ** this ************** **** ** ** ******* * guide that **** ***** ***** managers to achieve ***** business goals ** * timely and resource ********* ****** That ** ** ********** how the ********** plans ***** and ********* ********* ** implement **** business ********** ****** *** provided ******************* ** ********** ******** ***** Shack **** ********* **** ******** to ****** * leader ** *** ***** ****** and its ******* **** ****** ** *** ********** *********** ** the ********* ******* **** ************ *** **** ** *** ******** ** ** generate *** ******* *********** ********* ******* *** ********* for ********* ******* * comprehensive ******** ******* development *** marketing ******* *** ******** ********** ********* To ******* * **************** *** ******** ****** ********* ********** To ******* orders ****** *** ******** **** ***** ***** *********** To ******* the ******** *** ******** ******** report ** ********** ******** *********** efforts· ** ******** *** ******** ****** ******** loyalty ******** ** increase ******* ****** ** ****** ********** to ******** off-peak ******** customer ********** ****** ** ******* ***** ********* ******** that ******* ****** ** *** ******** premise· ** ******* Candy Shack online ******** through social ******** *** **** ***** ******** ********** ******* ** ******* training ******** for *** ********* to ****** ************ customer services· ** ******* customer ************ *** *** different methods ** ******* *********** for ****** improvementsFunctional ************ ***** ********* **** play * critical **** ** ********* the above-outlined ********** *** functional tactics ********* all the duties **************** *** tasks that *** ******* in ********* *** ***** ******** strategy Firstly ***** ******* marketing ******** ******* **** on specialty ***** products ** ********** *** ******** *********** ** the ****** ****** ** **** ****** *** ******* ******************* ***** products *** ********* *** ******** an ********* ***** **** ** ******** ***** *** ********* ****** ***** ******** ***** ***** *** ****** ********* ******** using a **** ***** ** products and ********* * **** ****** **** coincides **** *** ******** ******** ***** The ******** *** *** ****** ********** ** ******* *** ******** ********* product ***** Using ** ***** ** products to launch specialty products **** **** ***** ***** * ********** ******* ** scale ************ the ******** ***** **** **** the ******** maximize *** cash **** *** employer it to seek profitability through volume ******* ** ****** ******* prices Finally ***** Shack *** operate ** a ******** set ** premise ****** **** * common ** ***** ******* area *** joint set-up will *********** ******* ******** training ******** allow *** ********** ** ******** ***** and ******** ******* provisionAction ********* *** objectives *** the ********** ******* ***** ***** *** deduce and ********* *** ********* ****** ***** ******* develop ***** ****** ********* campaigns *** the off-peak candy specialty ******** to increase ******** **** by *** The ******** ** ******** ***** rate **** ********** ** *** ********* 5% loyal ******** base ****** ** *** **** ***** ***** ******** Candy Shack **** ******** the ******* ** ******** ******* and ***** ******** **** ** improving customer ********* *** reward ***** ********* can be ******** ** * ******** ******** *** product ******** *** current ********* candy status **** customers can receive approval from *** ************* ******** *** ***** ********** and ***** aspects ** *** ******* program ******* ******* * ********** system **** **** ****** *********** on *** ***** ** order delivery ******** ************ *** ******** ******** ** **** *** ******** *** ****** ***** delivery ** and ******* ******** ************ by *** Furthermore *** *********** ** important ** identifying ***** ***** ******* *********** through ******** ****************** *** DeadlinesCandy ******* ********** ******* **** ********** ********** ******* and ****** ***** are ********* ** ***** 1 ***** *** ******** **** ** completion ***** the ******** *** *** ******* ************** *********** ** ***** ********* Milestones and ********************** **************** ********** *************** ** * marketing strategy proposalMonday ** ******** *********** of ********* ************ ** November 20163Scope ************* ***************** 22 November 20164Submission ** Budget ***************** 23 ******** *************** of ******* ******* ****** ************** ** November *************** ** ********** ****** proposalMonday 28 ******** *************** of ******** moduleTuesday 29 ******** ***************** ** *** ********** ************* * ******** ************* *** evaluation ** the ********** ********** ** ******** ************** *************** 22 December *********** **** ********* and ******** *************** ******* **** *** ************** ********** are ** ********** ** Table ****** ** ***** ********* **** ******** ********** and ************** ******************* ***************** ********************** ** marketing strategyManagement ********************** environment ******** and ****** ********************** contractorResearch *** ******************** development ********* ******** of strategic goalsManagement teamMarketing4Budgeting *** ******** ***************************************** of customer loyalty programFunctional ***** ******************************* *** *********** ** * monitoring systemHuman ******** ************** ********************* ** an ******** ******** ***************** contractorResearch *** ************************** of the ********** *************** *************** ************* ********** *** ***************** *********************************** ** process ******* ***** ** ******** resultsIndependent contractorsOperations RecommendationImplementing *** above **** ***** ******* ***** ***** ** ********* additional ********** ****** and **** **** *********** ******* ** *** organizational ********* That is ***** ***** ****** ******* *** ********* ** adding an ********** ********** level **** *** manage ******* *** ******** *** ******** ******* area ********** ****** The **** **** can **** analyze *** **** ***** reports with *************** and train employees ** **** ** ********* ******** experience ***** ** the ******** **** ******** a functional-level team **** ** **** ** the ******** ** oversee the ************** ** the ******* ** ** ********* **** ******* ********** ************** ** the ********** Success ******* *** ********** ** the ******* key ******* ******* **** are *** **** ** important role in *** success ** *** ******* include ********** and *********** ** ***** employees ********* ***** **** an ********* ******* optimum *********** ************** * capacity ** Candy ********** ********** *** ************ ** ********** finances *** ********* *** ******** customer relations *** ********* ******** ********* *** ************ *** *** customers *** ******* ** the *********** *** *********** abilities ** *** businessThe *********** ** ***** ********* **** ******* ** these key ******* ******* ******* **** **** * *********** effect ** ***** customer ************ *** ******** ******* *** budget ********** **** ********* **** *********** ********* ** ** ********** ** *** ***** ********** ** Candy ********* ******** ************ ************* ****** ******************* ********************* **************** registration$30Registration ** ****** ******************************************** of ******************** ** ** ******** premiseAdvance **** *** ***** ***************************** ******************* *** ***** ******************************* and Software$600POS$300Starting ********************************************** ******************* CapitalLoans$2500Equity Investment$300 Total ************************ **************** summary ** * ****** ********* performance ** *** ******** ** ** ****** shown in *** ***** belowTable 4: ***** Shack’s ********** ********* ************** ShackYear *** *********** ******** Two%Year ******************* * **** **** 4988Product * **** **** 2517Product * **** 2660 2926 - - ****** ****** 7690100% ******** ************* of SalesProduct A 2280 2850 *********** B **** **** ******************* * **** **** **** * - -Total **** ** Sales 4737616% 55536213% 65356266%Gross Margin ******** 33853787% **************** both *** ****** *** *** forecasted ********* ********** the ********* ********** ***** was ************** ** ***** ******* break-even ******** *********** Shack's ********** ***** ** $2757 which is ****** **** *** ******** ****** ***** Additionally *** ********** ***** *** ** 75676 and are higher *********** *** ******** *** ********* ** *** business ******** ** *** ****** ** competition in the ********** ********** ******* ** *** primary ***** **** ***** ***** ***** ** *** ************** ** the **** is ********* * break-even price *********** * specialty ******* **** * ******* ** candy ******** may ***** *** ******** to incur extra ***** * ******** **** ********** **** **** ***** ***** can ******** ****** ******* * qualitative ******** **** ** ***** ** *** estimated *********** *** impacts of *** ***** * ******** **** ******** ******** ***** ** reducing wage expenses *** ******** on unit ***** as ***** of breaking even Consequently * contingency **** that ******** non-remuneration of *** business ***** *** ********* of *** ****** ** employees or wages on ******** can **** the business ***** price war ******************** * ***** * * ***** ******* * ****** ********** ******** *** **** ************ ** a ******* hybrid ****** ********** system with ******* *********** **** ************ *********** 1043-1054Goold M ***** Quinn * * *************** ******** Milestones *** long-term *********** ******* **************** * * ******** * * & *********** * (1997)Strategic *********** *********** ************** and ******* ******* Illinois: IrwinWoods M ****** ******* **** ********** to ********* ********* a **** ***** ** Tesco **************** ******* of **** ********** and ************** ***********