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Improving Disaster Emergency Communications: the Practice, Policy & Politics of Emergency Management.

Brief Description:

Generally in every town as well as city, there is a dedicated response team of personals who respond to emergency incidents of any type. Hence the promptness and ability of good communication is a must for this team. But there have been many instances when there are communication gaps and deficiencies which affects the ability to respond to any emergency in time and effectively. In order to minimize these instances of errors and ineffective disaster emergency communication, there needs to be certain improvement. All the protocols regarding emergency communication needs to be revisited.


I am interested in the topic because, one of the most important needs during any disaster management is the proper response from an emergency response team. This response is based on the effective communication between the teams and the affected area personnel. There have been many instances in last few decades in which unavailability of proper emergency response team had a great toll on the lives of many.


Technical Presentation - This is a powerpoint presentation.

The overall purpose of the Technical Presentation is to give each student an opportunity to thoroughly study, research, and present a concept, product or a service related to the course, with the overall objective of education for yourself and others in your class.

You should prepare a technical presentation using PowerPoint, Google Docs, Prezi or a similar program (no separate write up required, but you may use the notes feature of PowerPoint) for your presentation. You will be expected to prepare any supplemental material or attachments necessary to make your presentation understandable. Refer to the Technical Presentation Guidelines, Expectations and Grading Rubrics document under the Course Content area of the course in LEO.

PowerPoint Presentation: You must develop a presentation of approximately 15-20 slides. You may use PowerPoint, Google Docs, Prezi or similar program so long as it will be accessible to everyone in the class. You are not expected to record audio or video for the presentation, but you may if you wish and have that capability.     Make sure to include a title slide, slides that provide an overview or essential background, slides that provide analysis or identify lessons learned or best practices, slides that provide recommendations or conclusions, and a final bibliographic slide or slides listing your sources in proper APA. You may be creative in terms of formatting, color schemes, font, etc. The sample Technical Presentation slide deck posted under the Technical Presentation folder may prove helpful as a model, but don’t feel you have to follow that specific template. The main goal should be to produce a professional quality presentation that would generate interest among your colleagues.  It’s fine to include some graphics and images, and possibly even a hot-link to a short Youtube videoclip, but don’t overdo it. Also, don’t cram in too much text in small font. You need enough text or content in your bullets so that the information will be understandable without you having a chance to present it live, but don’t make it a dissertation crammed into a slide presentation. Don’t simply reproduce lots of lists, graphs and charts—some are fine, but most of the content should reflect your own original work.   

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