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In 1200-1500 words MLA format, please address the following prompt: Which theory of free will (hard determinist, compatibilist, libertarian) do you find most convincing? Or, like William James and the

In 1200-1500 words MLA format, please address the following prompt: Which theory of free will (hard determinist, compatibilist, libertarian) do you find most convincing? Or, like William James and the Existentialists, do you find that we need to believe in freedom for practical purposes of guilt and responsibility? Be sure to engage at least two figures from our textbook (REVEL)

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******** *** Human **** ************************ **** ** ******* ***** ****** *** the ******* ** make ******* **** of the ******** **** ****** ** **** **** are *** ************* *********** *************** ** **** as *** determinism theory Hard *********** delineates ** ***** ******** ***** traced from ********* ****** *** ****** ** ************* ** regarded ** ** ********* **** of determinism ************** ****** **** ***** ******* **** ****** However **** ********* the hard *********** ****** **** *** ************* theory ** *** internal *********** ********* **** ******** on *** *********** theory ******* ***** behavior ***** ** *** theory ** ****** ** ******** ****** *** ************** ****** ************* ****** from *** **** *********** ****** by *********** actions **** *** ***** the influence of *** external constraints Extremely ********* actions *** ****** Freedom results from ******* **** have no preventions Thus ******** ******* ********* ******* ** ****** The ************** ****** considers human ******* in the sense **** *** ** fully ***** of the ********* and ** ******** ********* ** the ******** *** ***** the decisions **** **** the ******* initiated ** *********** *** Thus ****** *** make their **** ******* **** **** ******** their **** ******************* on the ******** ** ******* ******* that ***** **** will ** ********* ** some parameters ********* **** ****** ** ******* ****** *** ******* ** ***** *** *** principled commitments coupled **** the **** choices made **** ** ****** *** freedom that ****** **** ***** ** * ****** **** ****** ******* is limited ** *** ****** **** *** ****** our control **** ***** ****** ******* **** **** are **** **** ***** *********** seem to be ********** Instances ** failure tend ** ****** *********** among ****** ***** they **** ** doubt ***** freedom ****** **** **** ******* ** ****** ****** describe *** **** *** *** *** ******* ** ** *********** for *** ******* **** ************* people *** **** with ********* **** **** **** **** ********* *** ****** dynamics also ********* the ******* ** ************* ****** ** **** to **** decisions **** *** effective and ******** An evaluation of *** ******** ****** that ***** *** ********* ************** of *** ****** ****** when making ******* The determinism theory ** ****** ** the ********** ******* ** the ******** ******** **** ***** *** ************* theory the ******** *** ****** **** **** can ** **** ** ********** *** ********* ****** **** everything in *** ******** world ** ***** *** ********** ***** has ******* influence ** *** ******* *** events Most ** the ****** are concluded with ********** **** **** **** * ****** relationship ************* *** *********** ** ***** ****** ** ***** on the ***** ** ****** *********** ***** actions ***** on *** deterministic theory leads to ********* **** *** ****** ** the universe **** ********** ************ ****** connections **** ***** *** ********* levels **** **** * ********** *********** and are ********** ** *** entire universe ***** ******* *** ******* *** ****** ** scientific aspects *** ******** ******* **** *** ******* ** ******* ** *** ****** Thus **** **** scientific ************ ***** ************* When *********** *** ****** *** *** it relates to human ******* *** ******** ** *** ****** in *** ********** ***** They ***** **** *********** in ********** *** causal connections ***** ****** **** **** ** *** physical universe ***** is * ********** ********** **** assuming that the ******* have actions ***** ** ********* the **** ****** ** ******* (42) ***** ** * cause of * ********* ** the ******** ************* ****** **** ** ****** *** perspectives ******* of *** ****** The ******* ** ****** are ***** ** *** degree ** ******** ******* Their actions **** ** ******* **** ******* create * better ***** and ******* *** ***** ** the ****** ********* ** ******* **** **** *********** based ** the ****** ***** ********* had *** beliefs *** critics **** evaluating *** determinism ****** ***** part of the ******* ****** system ***** room *** the ****** **** **** ****** ****** ************* ********* to ********* ***** ******** *** ******* *** *** ******** determined ** ****** **** *** *** of role-playing ** **** ****** **** *** ********* ******* (D'Holbach 42) **** is ** illusion created ** ******* ** ******* *** ***** actionD'Holbach ******* that *** will to express oneself ** ***** ** the ****** reflection ** well ** *** ****** *** the ***** to ******* ** **** * ****** *** environment *** trigger ****** ********* ** ****** **** indeterminists had *********** ******** inborn ******** ** well ** ***** ********* ****** **** *************** ********* **** indeterminists ** *** **** *** ********* of **** **** Based ** ********* reasoning it becomes evident that ***** *** ****** **** drive *** ****** **** the strongest ****** tend ** influence *** action *** ************* state has ***** ********** a ****** ******** ********** *** *** *** ****** ****** in ******** to *** situation is *** free **** but ********* ** ****** forcesThe ************* theory has *** *** ** ******* **** **** *** *** ********* ** human ******* ***** on *** theory ** is possible *** people ** **** **** ******* **** **** ******** ***** **** ***** ********* ** William James ** ************** ****** the *********** ** ******** ******* *** ************** ****** * ********** reason *** *** ** ******* ** the ******* ** the ******** **** ***** **** choice *** ******** ************** *** ** based on ******** ****** *********** morality among other ******* ***** in *** opinion ******** **** *** ********** *** ***** in a **** **** ******* can **** free choices ****** *** James contradicted *** ***** of ********* ********** determinism *** ************* *************** ****** *** *** expression **** *********** ******* ** ******* Existentialists believe **** an ************ universe ***** **** ** the **** ******* that ****** make ********** the ********* *** possibilities **** **** ** personal ******* ****** *** lives ** *********** ** *** **************** ****** makes ** **** to ********** *** ********* ****** ****** that ***** freedom is real and ******* Sartre links the human ********* to *** ******** ******* ** God ***** ********** Philosophically ** ****** that *** ideas ******** choices ** **** as actions ****** ** *** preexisting ****** Furthermore ** opines **** those who ******* ** *** ****** creator ***** ************* human ********* and **** become ****** Since *** ******** has ********* ***** ** ****** there *** those *** **** *** ********* of *** ****** creator *** ****** **** ****** ******* ** ********* ****** ** ***** **** *********** *** ************* (Sartre *** *** ********* ** *** ********* ********** ***** ******** ***** ******* as **** ** ************************ it ** ******* **** some ********** determine human ******* *** ************** ***** nature the environment of interaction ************* ****** ** well as the ****** ******** all influence human ******* and freedom *** human ******* *** ** *** ** *** **** ********* that help ********* the *** ** ****** ******* *** ***** ******* and behavior ** *********** ** *** *********** *** *** we **** ** ******** *** be based ** *** ******** ** ******* *** ******** ******* ***** **** *** ********** ** ******* ** make **** **** ********* ** ** ******* * **** that *** **************** ****** ********** ** to ** *********** *** *** actions *** ************ ****** ****** *** ******** ******* *** ******** freedom **** ** ****** ** *********** for *** ********** in *** society as ** ********** *** *************************

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