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In approximately 2 pages, create and post your response to the following questions: (1) What are the Key standards for ethics and independence in audits?  (2) Provide a brief summary of each of the ke

In approximately 2 pages, create and post your response to the following questions:

(1) What are the Key standards for ethics and independence in audits? 

(2) Provide a brief summary of each of the key areas in audit reports? (See page 171 of Government Auditing Standards, Standard 7.08, this is the attached PDF)

(3) How can the Government Auditing Standards be helpful to law enforcement agencies even if they don't claim to follow all the standards in the audits? 

(4) How can internal/external audits prevent problems, provide correction, and recognition of superior policies or work product?  

(5) For the final paper, what topic or area would you like to conduct an audit?  What will the challenges with the audit be and what type of important information would the audit provide? 

Note: Question 5 is referring to my final research paper I must do. Therefore, we can discuss a topic together or if you can come up with one of your own, let me know

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Files: GAS.pdf
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