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In at least 500 words: Discuss a disease of the immune system. What are the symptoms of the disease you selected? How is it diagnosed and what are the treatment options? What are the outcomes with t

 In at least 500 words: Discuss a disease of the immune system. What are the symptoms of the disease you selected? How is it diagnosed and what are the treatment options? What are the outcomes with treatment?

Immune System: Diseases, Disorders & Function

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************************** LUPUS ************ ************************* ************* Title:Instructor’s ******** *********************************** ***** ErythematousWhen the body ** affected ** * ******** or ********** *** ****** ****** is *********** *** ******** them in ***** ** **** the **** ******* ** ***** *** ****** ****** ***** confuse ** ********* ** a bacteria **** **** ** *** body’s ****** **** leads ** occurrence of ********** ******* ******** ***** ************ ***** disease is ** ******* ** ********** ******** ***** ******* *** ********** health *** ******* *** various phases ********* on *** period ***** ******* ******* phases ******* ****** **** *** ******* **** * chance ** **** a normal life ***** undergoing * treatment ******** ***** ***** ***** ********* ** statistics ** USA ****** ** ******* ******** are ********* ****** **** the condition ***** ******** ** ***** ***** have *** **** ********** yet It ********* **** this ** * serious ********* **** *** a potential ** ********* * ****** ****** of **************** ** the *********** ** ***** to symptoms **** **** ********* on ******* **** reaction to *** disease *** stage of *** ******* and **** *** period ** **** which *** has been ********* The following *** **** ** *** ****** symptoms which *** ********** **** ****** ****** **** ****** ******* ******* **** *** ******** Others ********** ***** pain ***** *** ********* ** headaches from **** ** **** Others **** **** ****** on ***** nose ** ********** **** *** **** occur *** **** ***** ****** *** **** ***** **** *** is ******** *** **** ******** ** ************** **** ********** ******* ***** to **** ***** ** white ** color ****** **** conditions The symptoms ******* ** the attacked **** ** *** body **** ** *** ***** **** or ********* tract ***** ******** varying ******** **** means **** ******** **** ******* ******************* ********* ******* *** ** ********* **** lupus ******* ****** symptoms such ** ****** a ********* **** while ***** *** *** ****** ******** ****** ****** ** the ***** *** **** **** **** assess whether *** ** suffering **** **** **** *** **** hair ******** *** ******* **** ****** signs of ******* *********** which show signs ** **** ********* heartbeats ** ******* He doctor **** ******** ***** ***** **** the aim ** identifying ********** *** **** ** ensure **** *** has * ******** blood count ***** ***** include ********** *** ***** ****** ***** ***** Petri ***** Treatment ********** patient *** ** ***** ***************** medication so **** ** reduce ***** **** ***** **** ****** *** ********** ** steroid creams In ***** ** ******* ****** response *** is ********* to corticosteroids ******** who ****** **** **** *** joint ******** **** *** ********** to ************ ***** ***** & ***** 2019) They *** **** ** ********* to ******* ********* ***** **** **** *** ********* from ****** symptomsOutcomes ** the ************* ** *** patients ******* ********** from *** ******* ***** others *** ******** in ********* ***** *** *** lives **** *** effects ** *** ******* ****** **** ******** **** as stroke ***** attack ******** Kidney ************ ***** ***** disorders *** ******* has * **** ****** ** ********** **** *** disorder Following *** ********** instructions will help *** ******* to recover ****** * shorter ******** of ********************** * & ***** R (2019) ***** ********* ** ******** lupus erythematosusThe **************** 2344-2358 https://wwwsciencedirectcom/science/article/pii/S014067361930546XFava * ***** ***** * (2019) ******** lupus ************** ********* *** clinical ***************** of ************** **** *****************************************************************

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