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In at least 500 words: Discuss the main functions of the urinary system. How does it work, and what organs are involved? What tips would you suggest to a patient for keeping the urinary system healt
In at least 500 words: Discuss the main functions of the urinary system. How does it work, and what organs are involved? What tips would you suggest to a patient for keeping the urinary system health?
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*** Urinary ****** *** **** ********* Organs ******** and ** to Keep It *********************** ******************* ******* System *** **** ********* ****** ******** *** ** ** Keep ** ********************** ******* ** the urinary ****** is to ****** ***** *** produce urine ** *** ************ ******** The ******* system organs include the ************** ****** *** ***** ****** **** *** renal ****** The **** ********** nutrients ******** **** meals **** energy ***** *** body ******* *** food ***** ******** *** **** ** *** colon *** blood *** renal *** urinary ******* **** *** **** eliminate **** and maintain ******** balances like ********* **** *** ***** **** ******* discusses *** main ********* of *** ******* system *** ** works ** *** ****** involved *** tips *** ******* *** urinary systemMain ************ ******* ****** ****** several ******* ***** ** *********** homeostasis This ********* **** **** system helps manage *** ******** ************* ** *** whole body ******** *** body is dehydrated ** **** **** ** **** ****** ** a ****** *** **** doesn't create * lot ** ***** **** *********** ********** of *********** ** mostly * ****** *********** ******* ******** ********* ******* *********** ***** chemicals (or toxins) *** ****** purpose ** ** ******** ******** ********** ** specific ******** *** ******** and ********* and *********** *********** ************ *** ******* ****** ** ********* with *** *********** ** ****** ***** ******** ********** and ****************** *** urinary ****** ********* ****** oxygen and ****** iv ***** ******* ** a three-way ************ **** *** *********** and circulatoryMetabolic ****** ******** **** **** **** ******** *** ******* ******** *** metabolic wastes start ** the ****** ***** *** *** *********** ** *** blood If ***** ****** **** ******* to ********** **** ******** **** ********* to *** **** *** ******* ****** ****** ********** ** *** excretion process ** eliminate ***** ********* ****** Additionally *** *********** integumentary and ********* ******* are ********* ** excretion The mechanisms ** ********* *** *********** are ********** ********* ****** expressly ** *** ******* ** ********* waste ******** **** *** **** *********** ** *** discharge ** waste items that **** not **** ******** or ********* ************* It ***** ************ ******* ******* waste-carrying ***** **** the ***** artery ******** the ********* *** ******** nephrons ****** urine *** blood ****** *** ***** **** after being ******** *********** moves ***** from *** ******* ** the ******* ******* **** ***** ** *********** **** the ******* ******* to *** system's ******** ******* * ****** ******* *********** There *** *** ***** of urethral sphincter muscles: ** ******** *** ** ******** urethral ********* ****** ******* ** the *************** ******** *** ******** ******* ********* ******** *** ******* ********* **** Whenever *** ******* muscle ********* *** pressure accumulates ** automatically ***** *** ********** ********* ******** the ******** ******** ********* ****** ****** ** *** ********* ******** entrance ********* may ** ********* *** * ***** since ** ** ********** ********** The ******** act ** ***** ** ****** *********** ******** & ******** ******* ***** ********** ******** ****** enters the individual ****** *** *** renal artery *** ********* mechanism is ****** *********** ***** finishes **** ***** ******* the **** through *** ************* *********** ***** ***** ** the existence **** kidneys ********** underneath *** *** **** ** *** ****** ** the **** and *** ************** ***** ******* job ** to ********* ***** ********* and medications ***** **************** equilibrium *** ******* *** **** tubes **** ******* ***** ** *** ******* *** ********* *** ****** discussed ******* ** *** ****** ***** ******** *** ***** regularly causing ***** ** **** ******* ******* ***** ** ****** *** ********** ****** the ***** ********* et ** ***** *** **** ***** is *** sphincter ******* ***** are circular ******* that prevent urine **** ******** **** *** ******* ** shutting ****** ****** *** entrance ** *** ******* *** Urethra is the ***** ********* ***** and **** **** is *********** *** ******** ***** to **** the **** *** ***** ***** impulses ** *** ******* ******* ********** and squeezing the ******* forcing ******* ********* of *** Urinary System” ********* For Keeping *** Urinary SystemEnsure that *** urinate ********** ** ******* ******* infections; women *** more *********** to ******* ***** infections *** *** lower the risk ** making ******* **** *********** ********** ** ************* ***** ******* per *** ******** enough ****** ** ******** ***** **** *********** **** ***** *** of *** ******* system *** ****** **** **** ** ******* * urinary ***** infection (Hickling ** al ***** ******* walk ********** ** avoid ********* fluids **** *********** **** ** ******* or ***** ******** may ********** ***** This fluid ****** them ** ********* their bladders regularly ********** *** ***** emptying **** ****** **** *** ******* entirely to prevent bladder *********** ***** *** **** *********** to urinary ***** infections *** *** lower the **** by ****** certain **** *********** completely In ************* eight ******* *** *** drinking ****** ****** ** specific ***** **** *********** **** ***** out ** *** ******* ****** *** ****** **** **** ** ******* * urinary ***** ********* h ******* **** ********** ** ***** retaining fluids **** *********** **** ** ******* ** ***** problems *** accumulate ***** **** ***** ****** **** ** discharge their ******** ********* throughout *** ***** ****** them ***** (Hickling ** al ************************** of *** ******* ****** ****************** (2022) ********* ** *** **** **** ************************************************************************************************** * *** * ***** Wu X (2015) ******* *** ********** of the ******* Tract: ******** to **** ******* *** ********* ********************* ************ ******************************************************* H ***** ******** U ************* System ******* *** Function ********************** ********* 11 *** 2022 **** ***********************************************************