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In C++, just write the methods. List's big three: Need to do something in the constructor, and need to handle all the dynamic memory made when adding...

List's big three: Need to do something in the constructor, and need to handle all the dynamic memory made when adding nodes.

PushFront: Add a new node as the new first piece of data. Do NOT add anything before Head.

PopFront: Remove the first piece of data if there is one.

Front: Return the first piece of data.

*Back: Those same three, except to the end. Do NOT add anything after Tail.

Size: How many things.

Clear: Remove all data, leave head and tail.

At: Return data at that position. 0 is first data

Erase: Delete the node at this iterator, if it exists

Insert: Insert data after this iterator. Do not allow inserting after tail!

Begin: Iterator to first data

End: Iterator after last data (remember Unspecified Behavior)

Iterator::GetData: Return the T from this node

Iterator::Next: Move iterator to the next node

Iterator::IsEqual: Are these pointing to the same node?


#pragma once

template <typename T>

class List


struct ListNode





T mData;

ListNode *mPrev;

ListNode *mNext;


ListNode *mHead;

ListNode *mTail;




// Getting Head and Tail correct is not part of the Big

3. It is hella mega required no matter what.

//mHead = nullptr;

//mTail = nullptr;// bleh. Full of crash.

mHead = new ListNode;

mTail = new ListNode;

mHead->mNext = mTail;

mHead->mPrev = nullptr;

mTail->mPrev = mHead;// This RULES. We always know we

have 2 nodes, so we never have to check for null.

mTail->mNext = nullptr;


List(const List & tOther)



List & operator = (const List & tRHS)






void PushFront(const T &tWhat)



void PopFront()



T& Front()



void PushBack(const T &tWhat)



void PopBack()



T& Back()



int Size() const



void Clear()



T& At(int tWhere) const




// Iterators

class Iterator


ListNode *mCurrent;


Iterator(ListNode *tStart)



T& GetData()



void Next()// As in "Move to the next item please".



bool IsEqual(const Iterator &rhs)




Iterator Insert(Iterator tWhere, const T &tWhat)



Iterator Erase(Iterator tWhat)



Iterator Begin()


// First good data


Iterator End()


// First Bad data



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