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In the 20th century are right and wrong perceived by Anglo-English as symmetrical or asymmetrical? Explain. How does the Anglo-English value to avoid directly indicating someone is wrong compared to

In the 20th century are right and wrong perceived by Anglo-English as symmetrical or asymmetrical? Explain.  

How does the Anglo-English value to avoid directly indicating someone is wrong compared to your culture?  

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************* WorldNameInstitution ************* *** **** ******* *** right *** wrong ********* ** ************* ** symmetrical ** asymmetrical? ExplainRight and ***** *** often **** ** *********** in *** ************* ***** ***** ** * ***** *** ** ** ****** and * ***** *** ** do ****** *** ******* ** someone ***** another person **** ** ********** ***** (Newsinger ***** ** someone saves * **** that ** ********** ***** ******* there *** ********** to **** rule *** ******* ** some ***** ************ *** be **** as ***** even though ** ******* in *** ***** ** another personHowever ***** *** **** ********** ***** right and ***** *** seen as ************ For ******* ******* *** ** ********** ******* *** ***** ******* **** ** **** *** *** ******* *** ******* outcome ********** ***** ************* ******* *** ** considered ******* for ***** ******* **** ** **** *** ******* *** ******* ******* *** perception ** ***** and wrong ** *********** ** asymmetrical depends ** *** ********** *** *** ************ **** the Anglo-English ***** ** ***** ******** indicating ******* is ***** compared ** your ********* few **** **** the ************* ***** ** avoiding ******** ********** ******* ** wrong ******* **** *** **************** culture One *** ** **** it is **** common in ************* ******* ** ***** ***** "you" statements when disagreeing **** someone For example ******* ** ****** ******* wrong about ***** ** ************* speaker ***** *** something **** **** not **** * *** ** that **** (Newsinger 2008) **** can **** diffuse *** ******* or conflict *** make it easier to have * ********** ************ ************ ************* culture ********* ********** politeness *** decorum so people *** **** ****** to ***** ******* or *** ********* ******** **** **** **** ******** ******** **** ******* (Newsinger 2008) In ******** **************** ******* ** ***** **** ****** *** ***** ** *** ************* ***** ****** *** **** likely to *** ***** ********** *** ** **** ********* **** ************* ***** ***** ********* 2020) This *** ********* **** ** misunderstandings ** **** feelings *** ** can also ** **** ****** *** *********** * ******** the ************* ***** ** avoiding ******** ********** someone is ***** *** ** **** ** * *** ** ******** ************* *** ***** conflict ** **************** culture ****** ************* is often **** ** a *** to ******* conflict ****** **** forward *** example ** ******* **** something **** ******* *** ** would ** ********** impolite ** tell that ****** **** are ***** directly ** Anglo-English ******* ******* ** **************** ******* *** ***** directly **** *** ****** **** **** *** ***** *** why ***** ******* *** ********* ***** this ****** ******** *** **** to **** conflict ** is **** **** ** * way ** ******* *** issue *** **** ************************************** M ****** ** Informed **** on ******* ******** ********** ASHA Leader25(1) 46-53 *************************************************** * (2008) America ***** or Wrong: Anglo-American Relations ***** *********** *********** 30 ******************************************

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