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In the assigned reading from this session, Nevid (2022) reviews variables that influence the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. Nevid (2022) presents the different parenting
In the assigned reading from this session, Nevid (2022) reviews variables that influence the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. Nevid (2022) presents the different parenting styles and shares the significance of these parenting approaches on the development and maturation of children (p. 344).
On the other hand, according to author Judith Harris and her controversial interview with 20/20, parents actually matter very little in a child’s development; peers, on the other hand, should receive credit for their influence on development.
Read chapter 9 of the Nevid textbook and watch the clip from Harris’s interview. Then write a response to these questions:
- Compare and contrast Harris’s view to the Nevid text. Is her view supported by psychological research?
- What criticisms do you have of her theory? What are the positive highlights of her idea that parents are given too much blame?
- What does the Bible say about a parent’s role in a child’s development? How does Scripture inform our understanding of the nature-versus-nurture issue?
Video: Harris' interview - Do Parents Matter Peer Influence (05:16)
This paper should be in APA format and at least three pages in length (in addition to a cover page and reference page) with the support of two outside resources, one of which can be the Bible and should meet the expectations outlined in the grading rubric. Please submit your paper by the due date posted.
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