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In the "Comparing Regi0ns" discussi0n this week, you 3xamin3d h0w differences between regi0ns exist and the implicati0ns t0 art created within th0se...
In the "Comparing Regi0ns" discussi0n this week, you 3xamin3d h0w differences between regi0ns exist and the implicati0ns t0 art created within th0se regi0ns, specific t0 the Bar0que m0v3m3nt.
N0w, select 2 w0rks, each fr0m different regi0ns within the sam3 tim3 peri0d and m0vement (0ther than the Bar0que m0v3m3nt).
Below are some examples of regions to explore within a particular movement 2 regions
- Italy
- Spain
Between the 2 w0rks 0f art, what similariti3s and differences d0 y0u see in terms 0f the media (materials), meth0ds, and subj3cts? Explain h0w each w0rk 0f art is reflective 0f the m0vement, yet unique t0 its region.
Your initial post must be at 200 w0rds in length.
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