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In this assignment I'm asking for your final draft version of your thesis work for your first speech topic. The most common feedback about thesis statements is they are not taking controversial stanc

In this assignment I'm asking for your final draft version of your thesis work for your first speech topic.  The most common feedback about thesis statements is they are not taking controversial stances on their topics and they are too long (not concise enough).     

topic is to abolish the death penalty  

The 3 criteria we'll focus on for our class

  1. Be as concise and plain as possible. It shouldn’t be a secret to your audience what you’re defending.
  2. Take a definite stance on the issue/topic and trust yourself to defend ground worth defending. That is, trust yourself to add something new and nuanced to the popular discussion of the issue/topic.
  3. Not an explanatory thesis but an argumentative thesis.

In this assignment tell what you'll prove with your first speech topic.  Provide 2 potential thesis statements for your topic below:



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