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In this assignment, you will focus your research and writing on a service type project with an international component. Your assignment is as follows: Write as if you are giving a lector, or are facul

In this assignment, you will focus your research and writing on a service type project with an international component.

Your assignment is as follows: Write as if you are giving a lector, or are faculty trying to explain to a student- explain terms and concepts

Imagine that you are writing a scholarly paper for consumption by a new undergraduate student in the project management program. In your paper, explain the following using examples related to a service project:

  • Create WBS - including information on decomposition, and WBS to five levels as shown in the video example in Module 4.
  • Activity list, attributes, and milestone list
  • Precedence diagramming method (PDM), dependency determination, task duration, and leads and lags, and critical path method (CPM).
  • Project schedule network diagram with critical path, ES, LS, EF, LF, and slack.
  • Resource requirements - including resource calendar, resource breakdown structure, resource constraints, and resource leveling.
  • Estimates of activity duration - including analogous estimating, parametric estimating, or three-point estimating, and reserve analysis.
  • Human resource management - including responsibility chart matrix, RACI matrix, networking requirements, and pertinent organizational theory.
  • Communications management - including communication requirements analysis, communication technology, communication models and methods.

Your well-written paper must meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length, not including cover, references page, nor appendices.
  • Supporting documents must appear in appendices.
  • The paper must be supported by at least 4 quality sources, of which 2 must be current, scholarly resources. For this assignment, current, scholarly sources are peer reviewed journal articles published within the most recent 3 years and accessed from the library databases or other academic sources. Textbooks will not count toward peer reviewed requirements but may be used as quality sources if published within the most recent 3 years. The use of the PMBOK Guide as a quality source is strongly suggested. The PMBOK Guide is not a scholarly resource.
  • Formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Be sure to properly organize your writing and include an introduction, headings / subheadings for the body of your work, analysis and recommendations, conclusion, and list of references. Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed from the Course Information page. Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions about the assignment.
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