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In this section, look for arguments that are Misapplied Euphemisms, Band Wagon, Appeal to Fear, and Nonfallacious.

In this section, look for arguments that are Misapplied Euphemisms, Band Wagon, Appeal to Fear, and Nonfallacious.1)It was announced today that our troops, who have been shelled for some weeks now in Lebanon, have made a strategic transfer to their ships offshore of that country.2)In China, Europe, and Brazil, efforts are being made to control the population growth that adds one billion people to the planet every decade.3)"Africa, the birthplace if humankind, provides a disturbing clue to our future. As I fly across areas that were forests just years ago and see them becoming desert, I worry. Too many people crowd this continent, so poor they strip the land for food and fuel wood. The subject of my life's work and our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees and gorillas are slaughtered for food or captured for the live-animal trade. Pollution of air, land and water abounds." (Jane Goodall, National Geographic Society)In some cases, you may find that more than one fallacy applies; choose the one you feel to be most appropriate. Be prepared to defend your answers.In this section, look for arguments that are Misapplied Euphemisms, BandWagon, Appeal to Fear, and Nonfallacious.It was announced today that our troops, who have been shelled for someweeks now in Lebanon, have made a strategic transfer to their shipsoffshore of that country.In China, Europe, and Brazil, efforts are being made to control thepopulation growth that adds one billion people to the planet everydecade.âAfrica, the birthplace if humankind, provides a disturbing clue toour future. As I fly across areas that were forests just years ago andsee them becoming desert, I worry. Too many people crowd this continent,so poor they strip the land for food and fuel wood. The subject of mylifeâs work and our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees andgorillas are slaughtered for food or captured for the live-animal trade.Pollution of air, land and water abounds.â (Jane Goodall, NationalGeographic Society)In some cases, you may find that more than one fallacy applies; choosethe one you feel to be most appropriate. Be prepared to defend youranswers.

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