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In your Article Review you should describe the content of the article chosen, identifying key assumptions and conclusions of the authors and giving your opinion on them. Your analysis should lead to a

In your Article Review you should describe the content of the article chosen, identifying key assumptions and conclusions of the authors and giving your opinion on them. Your analysis should lead to a justified conclusion: whether you will recommend this article to your colleagues and classmates or not and why. You also need to briefly assess relevance/applicability of the concepts of the article in both overall business settings and personal work settings.


● Your Article Review should be no less than 1000 wordsusing APA.

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************* ******* REVIEW Student ********************************* ReviewThe ******* * have considered ** the ************* ***** the ******** ** *** University *** Relation to ****** *** ************** ******* ******** ** **** *********** ***** reading ** I **** ** **** that ** ** ** low ******* *** ** ******** was on **** ** *** topic study ********* ** *** article it is ****** **** *** **** is ** investigate the ************ that is there ******* the ************* ** university undergraduates *** ***** ****** ** **** ** *** **** of ******** ********* ************* ** what people feel ***** ********** *** ***** ******* ** ****** ***** *** ****** ***** * hypothesis that *** **** *********** ****** ** ************* ***** **** from the subjects' families *** relationships with ***** ******** (AL-Kfaween ***** *** ********** *** ******* ** ** **** *** ********** ********** ****** decided to ******* * ************ experiment *** ***** ********** ******** *** male *** 173 female ****** ********* ********** ******** He utilized a 50-question poll that asked ***** relationships **** family ******* *** ******** **** ***** *** ****** *** ***** ********** of the ********* **** ** *************** *** ***** ****** **** ** *** **** representative ** the ******* ********** ********** ******* **** are *** **** *** same college *** students **** *** **** ** their ******** ***** ** **** **** * *** ***** ** personal independence *** ******* **** ***** *** ***** *** ******** ******** *** results **** *** generally transfer ** *** **** ** the population ** university ******** **** ** **** live ** campus **** from ***** ******** **** ******** ****** *** ******** of *** ***** ******* ********** ** *** ***** ** **** ****** *** ** *** ******** **** have *** **** cluster ** lurking ************* *** *** **** ** *** same **** ***** *** *** all ******* ** *** **** environment *** ************* ******* ********* **** may manipulate *** ************* ** the article's findings ** *** ************* ****** ** *** ******** Most ******** **** ** ** tech ******* *** *** **** *** funds required ** ****** * ********** Their socioeconomic ******** *** **** ***** extra ********* ** the ******** affecting ***** ***** ** self-efficacy *** ****** ******* an ********* ***** ** *** study ********** either He ******* ** *** school **** *** ********** ******* ** ** is biased to *** *********** statistical ******* of the ********** ****** ****** that ****** ******** had * higher ************* **** **** ********* also that ** * ***** *** ** *** students *** ****** self-efficacy ** *** **** ** art **** *** **** ** science I **** these *********** to ** ******** ** *** ***** ******* *** ************* ******* the areas ** social **** ******** **** personal stress ******* *** ************* **** ****** ******* and ******** The author ** the ******* ******* **** ** *** ***** ** * *********** life **** ***** ****** ***** ************* This is * ***** ******** ** the ***** *** ****** *** *** ******* *** ************* ** *********** ******* ***** contradicts *** **** ** *** *********** * **** level ** ************* **** ** ********* ****** ************ ** both ******* ******** ******** *** personal **** settings ** **** **** the ********* ** why self-efficacy is ** ***** ** business *********** personal **** ******** ******** ******** ** self-efficacy ** online ******** *** ************ ** ********** ******* **** ***** discusses ***** ******** *** * ****** understanding of ******* ************* ** ** educational setting **** ** ***** ********** ****** and *** ********* ******** *************** *********** ******** ****** ** what ** are ******** ** Psychology 100 **** **** ******* ****** ** *** **** ** ***** development specifically ********** development *** ******** ****** **** the ********** stage ** ***** people ****** *** their ******** ****** ***** **** ** this article ** ***** just that ******** ********* *** * *** ** raise their ********** *** become *** ****** **** want ** *** don’t ********* **** article to my ********** *** *************** it ** ****** ******* ******* I recommend **** article and **** ******* *** ******* ********* to ********* the ********** ** ****** self-efficacy **** ******** in ****** ******** ** this ***** ******* ******** on their research ** **** **** *** ********* ******* ** ****** ******** self-efficacy ** a ****** **** noted **** **** previous ******* had **** ****** ** one ********* ** ****** ************** ** * result the ***** ********** five *************** ** ****** ******** ************* as **** ** *********** **** ** * ****** **** were **** to *********** data *** *********** *** effect ** ****** on ****** ************* This study intends ** *********** *** aspects of ****** self-efficacy ** *** context ** ****** learning *** ******** are ******** to ****** ****** to understand the ********* ** ************* *** how ** ******** and apply these ******* ** ******* ****** ******** *********** and satisfaction Furthermore *** **** ****** ********* ****** ****** they can **** ******* other ******* to ******* ****** differences *** while ******** *** ********** ** online ************* **** et al 2013)Existing studies aided the ******* in ********** their ******** ** include ****** *** *********** *************** ***** **** ********** ********** ** Self-efficacy ***** *** ******** ** *** University *** ******** toGender and Specialization They **** * bigger ****** ** ****** ******** **** ******* ****** ****** ******* *** *********** levels **** ********** through the ***** **** ************* ******** are **** ******** **** ******** students ** attend online ******* and pursue online ******* (Shen * ***** ** **** p *** ******** **** **** *********** *** **** ******* prior ****** ********** *** self-efficacy ***** ******** ******** ** *** ********** ******** the **** ******* *** *** components and **** ******** is needed ** **** ** their ******** *** ***** **** ********************** *** ** ******* ** informed ******* ** confidentiality ** *** test subjects ** *** ******* * see **** ** * ******* ** the ******* ******* it ******* *** ******** ** the *********** I ** not believe ***** *** *** ***** ******* ******* taken **** *** ******* It **** *** seem ** ****** *** ** *** subjects were harmed ** *** wayMultiple *********** *** ** ***** **** **** article First family ******* *** teachers all guide ******** toward **************** *** ********* ************* ****** *** ******** are subject ** challenges such as ************* advances ******** ****** social and ******** **** and ******** ******** *** of which ***** the students ** find ***** ******** *** ***** universities **** ******* *************** *************** ******** *** ***** ****** will improve * students' self-efficacy  ReferencesAL-Kfaween **** * ****** Self-efficacy ***** *** Students ** *** ********** and Relation to ****** and Specialization Tafila ******* EuroJournals ********** ******** ***** G ****** ********** Ninth ******* ** ******* *** **** *** ***** PublishersShen * *** M * **** C * ***** ***** * ****** Unpacking online learning ************ ****** learning self-efficacy *** learning satisfactionThe ******** and ****** Education19 *****

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