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INCIDENT REPORTThe homework is Exercise #12 (Ch.14) on p. 592. Read about how to do this beforehand on pp. 584-587 - then follow the instructions to create a complete Incident Report. THIS MUST BE
The homework is Exercise #12 (Ch.14) on p. 592. Read about how to do this beforehand on pp. 584-587 - then follow the instructions to create a complete Incident Report. THIS MUST BE YOUR ORIGINAL WORK!! Make sure you include everything relevant (see below), as well as your dream company letterhead/logo, address, etc., at the top.
Here are some templates; however, make sure you include ALL the points shown below, even if the template you're using doesn't include some of them--just add whatever else is needed per the list. hhttps://www.google.com/search?q=incident+report+template&client=firefox-a&hs=xfG&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=GlBAVJ7DHKvksASS3oKIDg&ved=0CB8QsAQ&biw=1187&bih=608#facrc=0%3Bgeneric%20incident%20report%20template&imgdii=_&imgrc=_
Parts of an Incident Report: (PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE ALL OF THEM!!)
1. Type of incident
2. Identification details - be sure to include contact information for everyone involved--their emails, phones, badge numbers, or whatever else is available. This Incident Report could become a legal document, so this part is important.
3. Time and location of the incident
4. Description of what happened--include machine or part serial numbers, car license-plate numbers/make, model, etc., or any other important details.
5. What was done after the incident (person sent to the hospital, etc.)
6. What caused the incident
7. Actions taken: Specify what actions could be taken to prevent the problem from recurring. It could be repairing any broken parts, calling a special safety meeting, extra training on a machine, etc. If you have any further recommendations, including those, too.
[Note: Per your text, Incident Reports can be used as legal evidence!]