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Information for an ANOVA table listed below corresponds to an experiment with two IV's:

Information for an ANOVA table listed below corresponds to an experiment with two IV's:

1) Time of day (morning or afternoon)

2) Room temperature (cool, normal, or warm)

The productivity level (on a scale of 0-100) of employees during the morning or afternoon is measured in cool, normal, or warm working conditions.  This is a completely between-participant design.  The corresponding means for each group follow:

Cool Temp/Morning - 100

Cool Temp/Afternoon - 55

Normal Temp/Morning - 60

Normal Temp/Afternoon - 60

Warm Temp/Morning - 10

Warm Temp/Afternoon - 50

1.  Construct a matrix showing the cell means in each cell.  (3 pts.)

2.  Provide the factorial notation. (3 pts.)

3.  Fill in the ANOVA table below (there are 10 participants in each cell (i.e., treatment condition). (6 pts.)_________________________________________________________________________________________________

Source                             df                  SS                MS                 F


A (Temperature)                                  250

B (Time of day)                                     15   

A x B                                                   300

Within                                                  300



4.  Provide R squared values for each of the main effects and the interaction effect and indicate whether there is a need to conduct multiple comparison tests for either of the main effects and why.  (6 pts.)

5.  Provide the narrative description of the results and draw conclusions concerning the study.  This must include statements on each of the three inferential outcomes and which analyses (which specific tests) still need to be done to complete the analysis. (12 pts.)

6.  Provide an accurate line or bar graph of the results.  Easiest to do this in Excel.  (5 pts.)

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