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Initial Investment Present Value Formula

Read the following instructions in order to complete this discussion, and review the example of how to complete the math required for this assignment:

Think of something you want or need for which you currently donot have the funds. It could be a vehicle, boat, horse, jewelry,property, vacation, college fund, retirement money, or something else.Pick something which cost somewhere between $2000 and $50,000.

On page 270 of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra youwill find the “Present Value Formula,” which computes how much money youneed to start with now to achieve a desired monetary goal. Assume youwill find an investment which promises somewhere between 5% and 10%interest on your money and you want to purchase your desired item in 12years. (Remember that the higher the return, usually the riskier theinvestment, so think carefully before deciding on the interest rate.)

Present Value Formula  page 270

The present value P that will amount to A dollars after n years with interest compounded annually at annual interest rate r is given by the formula    P=A (1+r) ^-n 

  1. State the following in your discussion:  
    • The desired item
    • How much it will cost in 12 years
    • The interest rate you have chosen to go with from part 2
  2. Set up the formula and work the computational steps one by one,explaining how each step is worked, especially what the negativeexponent means. Explain what the answer means.
  3. Does this formula look familiar to any other formulas you are aware of? If so, which formula(s) and how is it similar?
  4. Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.):
    • Power
    • Reciprocal 
    • Negative exponent 
    • Position 
    • Rules of exponents
Your initial post should be 150-250 words in length.


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