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Instructional Plan for Adult LearnersFor the Final Project, you will develop an instructional plan for use with a specific group of adult learners. You will apply your knowledge of adult learning theo

Instructional Plan for Adult Learners

For the Final Project, you will develop an instructional plan for use with a specific group of adult learners. You will apply your knowledge of adult learning theories, delivery methods, and learning outcomes to an instructional setting. Your project must be supported by concepts covered in the course text plus a minimum of four scholarly sources.

Select one of the following learner groups as the focus of your instructional plan:

  • Adult literacy program
  • Vocational training
  • Workplace education
  • Adult English language learners
  • Higher education (college or university setting, traditional or online)
  • Community education

Within the instructional plan, you must:

  • Describe the selected delivery model for the instructional program (e.g., e-learning, accelerated, on campus).
  • Examine the purpose of learning strategies and outcomes in assessing student growth and comprehension.
  • Apply relevant adult learning and developmental theories to the selected instructional delivery model and learning strategies.
  • Assess the role of technology within the instructional plan.
  • Discuss the role of adult learners’ cultural values and beliefs in the framework of teaching and learning.

The Final Project must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length, not including title and reference pages, and it must be formatted according to APA style as outlined

 Here are some references to use that i have been reading from for classTaylor, K., Marienau, C., & Fiddler, M. (2000). Developing adult learners. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Baumgartner, L., Lee, M., Birden, S., & Flowers, D. (2003). Adult learning theory: A primer. Information series (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Report No. 392). Retrieved from

Imel, S. (1999). Using technologies effectively in adult and vocational education (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Practice Application Brief No. 2). Retrieved from  

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******************** among ***** ****************************************************** ******** *********** time ****** **** **** involved ** ***** ******** ******** *** ******* behind **** ******** ** ** ****** adult ******** to improve ***** ******** ********* *** **** ****** ******** *** ********** ****** *** also tasked **** ********* educational skills *** *** development ** *** children ** *** society **** **** ********* impact lives ******* ******** *** content *********** *** ******* ** **** *** ***** ******* * ***** **** among ****** Despite **** ***** the **** ***** *** ********** ***** **** **** ** ** ***** ** ****** **** adults **** *** ***** ******** ******** effectively Adult literacy *** ********** **** **** ********* *** ********** **** ** *** ********** behind literacy ******** *** to ******* ******** ******** and *** ***** ** ******* as * ****** language ***** ******** should be ******** **** the ******* *********** *** ******* ** speak ****** read and ***** ** ** ***** ******* ****** * **** ***** ** ******** which ***** *** ***** ******** to be involved ** *** ******** program (Merriam ********** & Baumgartner ***** **** paper **** ********* the ******** strategies delivery ****** ** **** ** *** ************* ********* among ***** ****************** Delivery modelThere *** different ********** that *** ** *********** for adult ******** *** **** **** an ********** **** *** * ******* ****** ** *** ******** ********** ** a ******* *** ****** ** *** **** of ******** ****** ******* the ****** ********* ** well as ** ************* ** **** is ***** taught ** *** ******** **** ** *** learning ***** **** *** ** **** ***** adult ******** *** ** ********* ******** ******** the online approach ** well ** *** ******** ******** delivery model (Bates ***** ** ** ********** *** ***** ** ******* *** ******** ****** of *** ******** * ***** ****** *** e-learning ************ ***** ******** *** employees *** employers **** ********* **** through ****** ******** can **** **** *** ***** ********** ** the **** ********** and ** *** **** time **** time *** study ***** **** Since *** inception ** *** ***** **** ************ **** implemented ** **** ** through *** ********** of ********* *** *** internet ***** makes ******** to ** practically flexible at *** ***** *** enhancement ** ********** *** **** learning ****** *** ** its ****** ** *** geographical ***** ** ** ******* that ********** has been termed ** be flexible as *** kinds ** ********* *** ** ****** ******* the ******** **** ***** ** ******** **** **** **** **** as **** ** ********* learning in ********* ************ ********* ******* ****** **** ********* ********** ***** ****** ****** ***** *********** ******** ************* ******* conduct ** ******** and ***** ***** this ****** ***** suitable *** any classThe ***** ****** ** ** why * *** *** ********** ** *** ** *** automation where ***** can ** **** ************* ****** This reduces *** ****** ** follow up *** ******** of ****** ***** *** ** **** **** this ******** ** ********* ** ******* ***** ******** as **** *** ************ ** *** ****** **** **** *** ****** ******** ********** ** ********** assessment ***** The ************* *** *********** that ** ******* ******* **** ******** model make it ** ********* ** *** ******** ********* ************ **** of adult *********** ****** of the ******** **** **** easier ******** can ***** *** smartphones ** * ***** ** ***** Most ***** ******** are **** ****** **** *** *** of *********** this ***** ** easy ** ****** *** *********** ** ****** ******* ****** ************* makes it **** *** ***** learners ** ****** up *** ******** ***** ** their ******* Ideally ***** *** e-learning mode ** ******** **** ****** *** ******* ***** ******** to ***** at *** ***** ** ******* to ***** modes of ******** *** ability ** study ** **** *** **** and ***** makes *** ******** ** ** rendered cost-effective *** ** **** no ************ ******** ***** ***** ***** ***** **** *** ******* to *** the ****** platform ** * ***** ** ******** *** ************* in the ******** ** information of ******* adult ******** can be **** in *** ***** ******** **************** ************* ******* ** ******** ********** ***** ***** learners ** to ensure that *** ******** are conversant **** *** ****** learning ******* Instructors *** ********** have * mandate of ******** **** *** activeness ** *** learners ****** * ******** institution ** effective *** ************* ** *** course ******* ************* ************* are *********** ** ****** participation ***** learners ******* ******** ***** ******* 2000) The ************* ****** *** adult ******** should *** * ******* ** curriculums *** *********** ******* to ****** that *** ******** comprehend *** information **** ** ***** ********* through *** ****** platformAs ** ********** ****** ****** ***** continuous ********** tests ******* the ********** ******** ******* ******** ***** **** the adult ******** (Stacey* ***** & ***** 2004) The ***** ******** **** follow ** *** ********** the ******* **** ** ***** relayed ******** **** ** ************* ***** *** ******* **** ** ***** ************ as * *** of ********** *** success ** the ***** Follow ** ******* *** ****** ******** ** delineate the **** where there ** * lack ** comprehension is effective ** ** reduces *** ******* academic **** **** ***** **** an ****** in *** studyActive learning *** participation in *** ********** ** *** ***** ******** ** *********** ** ****** that **** ************* ** *** The ****** ******** *** **** a ******* ** queries where *** ******* *** *** *** ***** ** ********** *** help **** gives room *** *** learner to understand *** ******* that ** being ********* *** ******** ******** ** ****** * ******* there ** a **** to **** ********** The ********** encompass *** ***** **** are *** ** the learners and *** ********** ** *** entire ****** ** learning *** teaching period (Taylor ******** & ******* ***** This acts ** * ********* ** *** ***** ********** ******* ********** ** *** ***** processAs ** ********** ****** with disseminating ********* to working adult learners **** ** *** ********** **** I **** ****** **** **** ** ********** ** ******** evaluation ** *** ************* and ******** ********* ** *** peoples ** *** ********** board *********** *** *********** of *** ***** ******** ** *** weekly ********** ***** will **** * great ****** on *** ***** ******* ** the ******** process Another ******** **** will **** ** ****** on the ****** process ** *** ************* ******* ******* the ***** ******** **** *** ********** ******** Caffarella & Baumgartner ***** **** ****** that *** ******* *** ** ************* ** *** whole ******** processDevelopmental TheoriesMalcolm ******* ********** *** need ** ******** ***** ****** in what ** ***** ****** as *** andragogy ****** **** *** **** ** ******** **** affects ****** was ****** ** ********* ***** ** ******* assumption ** *** that an ***** has *** ************ ** **** *** personality of ********* ****** *********** *** learner should gain ********** in ******** ******** **** ** ************ ******* the ********* to learn ******** and *** ability ** ******* ****** ********* for **** ********** The motivation to ***** as ** ***** ****** be exercised ******* *** willingness ** be involved ** *** ****** ******** process ************ ** ** ***** As part of ******* *********** ***** ** *** **** *** *** ***** learner ** ** ***** ******* the *********** process ** a way of preparing *** ******* ******* the ****** ********* **** of *** ******** ******** developing the ******* to ****** that ** ** she ** ********* matters * great deal Therefore *** ***** ******* should ** ******** ******* the ****** learning ******* for an ********* learning ******* ***** ** **** entail ******** ******* the ****** platform *** adult working ******* **** ** shown ** how ** *** *** ****** ** a means of ***** ************ ** ** ***** Other ******* **** ** the discussion ***** **** **** the ******* guidance ***** **** ** **** *** effective ************* on *** andragogy ****** ** ** ******* **** ******** want ** ** involved ** learning ******** that have an impact ** *** person or *** **** **** *** ****** ********** *** ******* *********** **** is ********* ** *** learner The ****** ** ***** ** ** gives **** *** ******** and ********** of *** *********** (Baumgartner ** al ***** **** ** ** ******** ***** the working adult ******** ** they ****** *** ********** with priority ******** ** *** ********** ******* ** *** ***** ******** ************ on *** ************* **** *** ************** ****** can ** **** ** a ******* of *** ********** *** ********* ** the learner According ** **** ******* ****** there ** * **** to have ******** ********** ** ****** *** ******** ****** ** is ******* *** theory **** ******** **** ********** ** ******* critical *************** ********* ** ****** **** ********** ** change *** ************** at *** workplace ******* ***** ******** *** ******** ** ******** **** at the ********* **** *** ************** ****** ***** * ******* ******** **** problematic ****** *** inclusivity and ****** ******** ***** *********** ****** that affect people ** the ********* matters a great deal *** **** ** *** ****** go an extra **** of ******** ** ******* ********* that ******* *** whole institutionMost ****** with high *** ******** ******* ***** ***** ** ***** ** ********** strategies *** ****** **** *** transform their ********* *********** beliefs is ***** as ** *** affect *** ***** ********** ******* **** *** *** ***** ******* ******** *** ****** beliefs **** *** *** ****** ****** ***** **** approaches **** ***** relevance ** is through *** **************** theory that ** *** *** ******** **** ** *********** ******** *** ***** ** ** individual ** may change ** ******* *** ** ********** *** ********* Part of *** key objectives in *** ***** ******** ******* ** *** ************** of ** ********** **** ** character and knowledge ********* * should **** ** **** ********* theory ** ***** ** shape *** ***** learners *** effective ************** ** ***** ****** ******** 1997) *** development ** my ******** **** ***** ** *** transformation to ******* the ******** ********** ****** **** ** TechnologyThe entry ** ********** *** *** ** *************** in *** modes ** learning *** * ****** from *** *********** ******** ********** *** technological ***** ********** *** **** ******** ******* *** learning ******* **** ** the ********* of ***** ********** in the ******** ******* ** that it ******** ********** of ****** *** *********** status empowerment of ******** ** well ** the **** ******* ********** assessment *** this ** ******** ******* effectiveness The *** ** technology ** *** ******** ********* can ****** ** **** ********** ** ********** *** ************ *** **** variable ***** ** *** *** ****** *** entry of ********** **** ** *** people were ******** on *** ********* ******** as ***** of ******** The ***** of ********* **** **** ****** ***** ***** However **** *** ************ ******* *** ******** which **** **** for ****** ** have ********** this **** *** ******** ******** involves *** ********** ***** ** ** enhancement of *** learning ******** **** uses ********** Adult ******** can make ******* in their own time ******* attending classes as *** ***** can ** saved on computers and emails *** *********** realised ****** **** ***** technological ***** ** ******** *** quite evident *** ***** advantage **** ****** when ***** ************* ***** is that ******** can ** *********** ******* ****** random visits to *** ********* ***** ***** *** ******* ** **** ******** ** *** **** ******* ****** **** ***** ** data ** ** indicator ** *** importance ** ********** ** *** learning *********** learners may be ********** ** the *** ** ************* means **** *** ****** the performance as **** as *** ******* ******** process *** learners **** **** *** ********* in ********* ********* to ****** ********* learning Higher level *********** ** tasks ** ********* ******* *** use ** technology The traditional means ** ******* ***** not shift *** ***** of ******** **** the ******* ************ ******* *** ************* ***** ******* * ***** to the outside society ******* * ***** ******** ** is ******* **** approaches **** ******** ******** *** initiated among adult ******** *** *** ******* and have ******* time *** ******* *** they **** the ******* ** ***** **** *** **** studies ****** ***** **** **** ******** Smith ***** Barty 2004) **** the e-learning model ****** ********** *** use ** ********** as **** ** *** ******** ******* ***** ***** ** * ************* ** cultural ****** *** *************** ****** *** ******* ****** * ******* deal in a classroom setting *** importance *** either be ******** or ******** ** **** ************* *** ********* skill ********** the ******** values *** beliefs It is ******* **** ***** *** challenges *** ** *** ******** ******** *** **** ****** the ***** setting *** *** *** **** a ******** perspective ** different from *** other thus ********* *** teaching and ******** ****** the ***** ******* Learners may ** ******** ** *** ******** ********** due ** the ************** ***** A positive ********** ** *** ******** *** ******** ***** ** be ******* to ****** that it does *** ********** *** ******* ** the ********* level ************ **** a ******** ******* ******* * ***** **** ** ** ******* *** ********* ** ******** (Sawchuk 2003) Therefore ******** ** *** ******** ** detrimental Negating *** ******** ****** *** beliefs ** ************** as ** undermines *** ***** ** learnersConclusionThe online adult ******** ******** does *** undermine the ***** ** ********* ** ******** as **** ** *** **** **** ** ********* unless **** ****** * ******** exam *** ******** of technology *** made learning ***** adult learners ***** effective *** e-learning ******** has proved a ********* *** ** *** *********** ******* ** *** ****** ******** ****************************************************** * T ****** ********** e-learning *** distance ********* ******************** * M *** * Y ****** * & ******* * ****** Adult ******** ******* * Primer *********** ********** * (1999) ***** ************ *********** ** ***** and ********** **************** * * ********** * * ***** *********** * * ****** ******** ** adulthood: A ************* ***** **** ***** ***** *********** * ****** ************** ********* ****** ** ******** New ********** for ***** *** ********** ********* 1997(74) *********** * ****** ***** ******** *** ********** ** ************* **** ********* ********** ************ E ***** * J ***** Barty * (2004) ***** learners ** the ********** Online ******** and *********** ** practice Distance Education 25(1) ************* * ******** C & ******* * ****** Developing ***** Learners: ********** *** ******** *** ******** *** Jossey-Bass Higher *** ***** ********* Series *********** ********** *** ******* ****** San Francisco ** *******

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