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Instructions: Choose initial posts ; comment on them; present your views.   In order to receive the maximum number of points go beyond merely agreeing or disagreeing in your response. In other words,


  • Choose initial posts ; comment on them; present your views.  
  • In order to receive the maximum number of points go beyond merely agreeing or disagreeing in your response. In other words, bring to the Discussion Forum new information that respectfully challenges your peers to think further about what he or she posted.
  • When you begin, type the name of the person you are replying to.
  • Make an analysis of the other person's work/thinking.
  • Make sure to cite 3 sources in your initial and response posts, the video and both of the assigned journal articles, to support your argument.   
    • Respond to  peers
    • The expectation is that response posts will add factual information to the discussion, whether in agreement or disagreement with the peer’s original post. 
    • 75-100 words
  • Reply to Abraham

A person’s perceptions can have a greater impact on their behavior than the reality of their circumstances. For instance, when applying the notion that one’s perception is their reality then the determination can be made that behavior will operate according to one’s own comprehension of their circumstance.  Furthermore, an past experience that has been either positively or negatively reinforced will influence a person’s further actions and perceived potential outcomes (Schultz & Schultz, 2015). In fact, Julian Rotter’s notion of Locust of Control, suggest that people will either develop an internal or external locus of control based off of their childhood development (Schultz & Schultz, 2015).  A person who has an internal locus of control believes that their behavior and/or action will determine their experience and outcomes (Kutanİs, Mescİ, & Övdür, 2011). Whereas, a person who has an external locus of control believes that outside forces govern the outcomes or reinforcements of their situations (Kutanİ, Mescİ, & Övdür, Z. (2011). Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that stages of Erikson’s development, such as the stage of trust vs. mistrust, play a role in one’s formation of their locus of control (Baldo, Harris, & Crandall, 2012).  As a result, a person’s perception of reality and behavioral outcomes can be inherited, at an early age in the form of trinkets of praise or criticism (Schultz & Schultz, 2015). Hence, in accordance with the locust of control one’s behavior is a biproduct of their perceived reality and their ability to cope with it (Simmons, 2010).

 Briefly, my results on the locust of control suggest that I have a higher internal locust of control.  Granted, I do not feel that this has always been the case.  Certainly, early in life I felt like I could identify more with the external locust of control. In fact, childhood development would reiterate that I was not given much praise and recognition.  Thus, I would have been more susceptible to an external locust of control (Schultz & Schultz, 2015). Furthermore, an external locust of control places a more of a value on chance than it does determination (Kutanİs, Mescİ, & Övdür, 2011).  Indeed, with the notions of chance or fate there is no sense of ownership for future outcomes (Kutanİs, Mescİ, & Övdür, 2011).  As a consequence, those with external locust of control place blame on others and avoid incrimination for their own behavior (Simmon, 2010).  Nonetheless, my results of internal locust of control suggest that I am both introspective and responsible for my outcomes.  Granted, the score is not an absolute ranking of internal locust of control because my scores also suggest that I have a belief in the notion of fate.

 In the same manner as, an internal locust of control influences one’s ability to take ownership for their action so does it shape the effects of learning outcomes (Kutanİs, Mescİ, & Övdür, 2011).  In fact, those with an internal locust of control will actively participate in the learning process (Kutanİs, Mescİ, & Övdür, 2011). As a result, individuals will tend to become more successful than those with an external locust of control (Kutanİs, Mescİ, & Övdür, 2011).

 In reviewing this week’s materials, I can continue to develop my internal locust of control and sway away from the safety net of the external locust of control. Specifically, when in relates to asking for assistance when I do not fully comprehend new material. This behavior stems from my external locust of control that may be too concerned about the opinions of others (Kutanİs, Mescİ, & Övdür, 2011). As a result, my lack of confidence becomes more concerned with the way I may be perceived rather than understanding the new material.

Schultz, D. P & Shultz, S. E. (Eds.).  (2015). A History of Modern Psychology. Boston, MA. Cengage Learning.

Baldo, R., Harris, M., & Crandall, J.  (2012). Relations among Psychosocial Development, Locust of Control, and Time Orientation.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 126, 297-303. Retrieved from

Kutanİs, R. Öz., Mescİ, M., & Övdür, Z. (2011). The Effects of Locus of Control on Learning Performance: A Case of an Academic Organization. Journal of Economic & Social Studies (JECOSS), 1(2), 113–136. Retrieved from

Simmons, B.  (2010). How To Assess Locus of Control [video file] Retrieved from

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