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Instructions: Current Events (News) Articles: Students are to summarize a news article pertaining to MICROECONOMICS as indicated in the course schedule below. These articles must be current (within tw
Current Events (News) Articles: Students are to summarize a news article pertaining to MICROECONOMICS as indicated in the course schedule below. These articles must be current (within two weeks of due date) and from reputable sources such as Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Economist, Business Week, Cincinnati Enquirer, or other business publications. DO NOT USE ONLINE BLOGS. Each paper should be a. One single-spaced, full-page summary. Use 12 character font – for help on formatting and citing sources. b. Include on top of each paper in single line spacing: your name, date, article number, and provide a complete bibliography on the next page with your article summary. (include title, author, publication date, and page/URL in your bibliography). c. Submit a paper via the Assignment tab. d. Topics that can be used include any individual company that is hiring, laying off, introducing a new product, building a new plant or expanding an existing facility, posting profits or losses, raising prices or an increased cost, going bankrupt, or being sued for negligence or harm caused by their product. There are other topics that can be included but this list should give you plenty of choices for the first article. NOTE: Be aware of plagiarism as all papers will be checked using TURNITIN plagiarism detection.
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********************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ReviewName:Date:Article ************ ** *** article ** *** ******* ****** ** *** ************** ****** **** *********** *** US -EU TradesRift? **** ***************************** by **** **** *** who ** ** ********* ****** ** *** ** **** **** webinar The article was ******* on June ******** ***** can ** ******** by *** following *** ********************************************************************************************************************* article ** ******* ***** * sour note ********** ********** of *** US ********* *********** ****** *********** *** ** a political ****** **** ****** ** ** trade chief stated **** **** had **** *** ** to **** *** ************* to **** Dombrovskis *** ****** ** *** in accordance with ***** 2018 ******** ** ******** ****** ***** ** *** ******* steel ** **** as ******** ******** ***** **** *** ******** leaders ******* ** **** ** triggered retaliatory ***** ******* ******* Shawwho *** *** former ***** ************** for Trump and currently the ******* ** *** **** ***** *************** **** ** *** *** ** are **** ***** ****** past the tariffs battles ** order to **** and ****** *** ***************** least which is ******* the **** **** Jake who ** ***** ******** security ******* ******* being *** committal ***** ******** **** *** **** ********* *** *** ***** ******** ** slow ** ******** the ******* that ***** *** ******* concerning *** ******** ************ ******** ***** it he pleaded for ******** **** complicates his political ******** is **** the labor ****** *** both ***** and aluminium producers **** ** ******** *** ******* ** *** ****** ***** **** been ******** ** order ** keep the ****** upAccording ** ********** ****** **** ***** ** *** ********** ** the ***** *** ********** retaliatory tariffs ** the ** ******** ***** ***** ****** tension ** **** ** *********** ******* negotiations ********* ****** **** among 27 ** member ************** is no **** ********* on ******* with ***** ** ***** go ***** **** US ** the ******** ******** **** ******** **** ** Beijing subsidies to ***** *** companiesIn *** ****** ** *** tax ***** ** ******** ** *** ****** ***** ****** ** *** * ****** **** weapon on *** ** ***** ******** for ************* ** tariffsFor him the ******* ****** were * *** ****** ** *** security which ******** **** ******** ****** ** USThe EU-US ************ is expected ** strengthen ***** current ************** than *** it *** during Trump’s leadership *** was ******** ********* *** ********* ***** ************** for ****** *** ******* ******* **** ** **** as exploiting unfair ***** ***** ** **** **** ******** to ** **** ****** ******* *** ********* Joe ***** he *** ***** ** ******** *** ***** relations **** the ******** ****** which *** **** ********* to * ******** ***** ** Trump’s ********* ****************** the ******** and ******** to the ************* *************** *** administration of ***** ***** *** ********** ** **** ******* ******* ** *** Chinese ***** ***** **** against backdrop *** ******* ********* **** ********* ******* **** ***** ** widely ******* ** deploying ** ****** ** ******** *** *********** technological ****************** to ******* ******* *** ******* *** American ********* ******* **** *** ******* ** ***** ** ***** ** ********* ***** ****** which ****** ********** ** get licence *** ********** in ***** ** *** unfavourable ********** *** state ***** ** ****** *** ******** ********** and ********** to ************ of ***** ** *** ******** gestures *** ********** ************** as **** ** the ** ****** ** ********** tariffs ******* ** *** airbus ****** ****** *** ***** has not *** ****** *** *** ***** *** against *****