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Instructions Students will create a national-level, single-issue interest group that is focused on one specific area of either domestic or foreign policy. The project will be presented in PowerPoint,

Instructions Students will create a national-level, single-issue interest group that is focused on one specific area of either domestic or foreign policy. The project will be presented in PowerPoint, and the presentation should include the information below.

  • Discuss the issue, and outline goals of the group.
  • Discuss the organization of the group.
  • Outline the group’s strategies and tactics for success.

StrategyTactics (associated with specific strategy)Direct lobbying of policy makers One-on-one meetings with policy makers Testifying before Congressional Committee Judicial system Using the federal court system to advance group objectives (e.g., filing court cases, filing amicus curiae briefs, petitioning the courts for injunctions) Media Publishing information about your issue in media outlets Encouraging the media to conduct and publicize poll results about your group's issueGrassroots lobbying Hosting mass protests in public spaces, such as the Mall in Washington, D.C., to call attention to your issue Conducting an email and text campaign in which your group's members email and text policy makers about your issue

  • Include a title slide, which should contain the following elements:
  • Make certain that your content slides meet the requirements listed below.
  • Make certain to follow the recommendations for designing your presentation.

You must reference at least three scholarly sources, one of which can be your textbook. All in-text citations and references must be formatted in APA Style. All sources included in the presentation must be cited, including photos, graphics (e.g., tables, charts), video clips, and audio clips. Submit your PowerPoint in Blackboard.

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