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International business


For this assignment, do #2 only on page 155. The report should be no more than two pages. Support your decisions indicating page numbers from the book (as done for all assignments), info from GlobalEDGE,* or info from class resource PDFs and videos.

*You may need to create an account. See page xxii for more information on GlobalEDGE.

Reports that simply state "Recycle, use LED bulbs, and buy local" are suggesting companies only do the most minimum of common sense efforts that have been suggested for the past 40-years and will earn few points.

Companies and individuals need to go past the minimum and look hard at not only how they do what they do, but why. While doing things with a sustainability focus is an ethical, and feel-good thing to do, these are not the only reasons. There are solid business advantages for doing things in a more sustainable way that directly enhance profitability, business performance, and most importantly retention of talent. What are these things? Name a few and why you chose them in response to the assignment question (2B).

Question 2, page 155

2A) A brief report on sustainable development. Explain the concept of sustainable development, and why it's important.

2B) Compile a short list of steps a company can take to become more sustainability focused.

go to this wepsite to do it and see the picture i will be upload it. this is the qustion.


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