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Is it possible to rearrange PV=nRT into the form y=mx+b?

Yes, it just depends on which term you want to be y and which you want to be x.

If you hold two of the four variables (P, V, n, or T) of the ideal gas equation constant, they can be lumped in with R. For example, if you are looking at the relationship between volume and temperature under constant pressure and moles of gas, P can be included with R and n to make one big constant: ##PV = nRT## ##V = ((nR)/P)*T## In this case, V is your y, T is your x, and ##(nR)/P## is your m. You can rearrange the to put any of the variables as x and y using algebra.

In the setup above, there is no b term, since temperature is measured in Kelvin. For the ideal gas, at zero Kelvin, the gas occupies zero volume, so the line for the equation would pass through (0,0). If you wanted to report temperature in another scale, this would introduce a y-intercept (b). Rewriting the equations above for Celcius:

##PV = nR(T+273)## ##V = ((nR)/P)*T + (273nR)/P##

##(273nR)/P## is the y-intercept.

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