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issues in criminal justice discussion

Something different- I hope all of you are familiar with the website www.crimesolutions.gov as it offers a wealth of research and sources for criminal justice students.  Since your group project is about CJ collaboration to solve crime I want you to go to the website and see the homepage:

Week Four- Question 1 of 2 (answer this one before Thursday): Choose either "PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE" or "PRACTICES AT A GLANCE" that you see on the homepage.  You will notice that the website rates the programs/practices as having NO EFFECTS, PROMISING or EFFECTIVE.  This week I want you to choose 1 NO EFFECTS and 1 EFFECTIVE practice or program and do a little "compare/contrast" analysis.  Then respond to these question by commenting on:

a. Briefly provide the title and describe your 2 choices from "programs" or "practices" (provide web links to each article). 

b. Which one was rated "NO EFFECTS" and why?

c. Which one was rated "EFFECTIVE" and why?

c. What is your overall impression of the www.crimesolutions.gov rating system?

Answer each part of the Discussion Question thoroughly and substantively, citing sources for any assertions.  You will be graded on substance, content, and quality of the response.

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