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Issues in Premarital Counseling

Below is the assignment that I need help with and want to know how much.

Steve has asked his girlfriend Nadia to marry him. They dated for a year after meeting in college at a fraternity party. Nadia has been sexually intimate with one other boyfriend, while Steve has had multiple partners.  Both are American, but Nadia’s grandparents are originally from Egypt. Despite different religious backgrounds (Steve is Methodist; Nadia was raised as a Muslim) and cultures, they have a lot in common and both sets of parents are very happy about their engagement. As part of their preparation, they have begun premarital counseling. As Steve and Nadia’s counselor, you know that a discussion of sexuality will be important to their marital success.

  • Describe the important aspects of sexuality (such as arousal and response, intimacy, contraception, etc.) that Nadia and Steve need to discuss. Remember to consider psychological/emotional as well as physical factors.
  • Include a discussion of at least 1 theoretical perspective that you have learned about in this course (e.g., Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love, Masters and Johnson’s work, etc.). 
  • What risk factors pertaining to health can you infer might be present from the scenario? What can the couple do to minimize these risks?
  • How will you show cultural competence during your sessions (i.e., what cultural issues should you consider)?

By Wednesday, September 20, 2017, write an essay that is 3-5 pages in length. Also include a cover page and reference list. Remember to support your arguments with information drawn from the online content, the textbook, and at least one other credible, scholarly source to substantiate the points you are making. You can use relevant Web sites or journal articles as sources for your presentation, but make sure that they are from reputable web and print sources such as the AU online library, or information from .org, .net, or .edu sites as opposed to .com. Please avoid Wikipedia.

Apply APA standards to for writing and citations to your work.

The paper should be double-spaced 12-point typescript, Times Roman font, with 1-inch margins all around, and free from grammatical errors.

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********************************************************** ***************************** *** ** termed ** a ******** of *** or as * gift ** ******** Sexual *********** was ******** *** *********** ********* ** * ******** **** ****** ** carried *** ******* married ******* ****** sex *** ***** ***** *** *** ** ****** there *** ** **** harsh precautions ** deal with ** **** ********* * couple is ******** to ***** as sexual ******* *** should never **** *** **** anyone **** other than their ******* their ***** life ******* *** all couples walk ** bearing **** innocence ** **** cases *** **** exchanged by *** *** ******** ********* their ************ to each other are **** importantAspects ** *************** *** the **** creatures in *** ****** ******* *** **** *** while ****** each ***** ***** ** humans *** ** * face-to-face ******* **** ****** regarded **** *** is **** ** a ********** and ******** ****** ** humans **** a *********** **** ** seen ** other animals ****** can ***** **** *** ******* ******* ********** ** the ovulation ***** ***** a ****** can *** ******** **** ******** ** *** ****** ******* ** *** ***** body **** suggests *** ** **** *** intimacy and ******* ** *** ********* ***** the word *** ****** intercourse means "to ***** ** *** married ******* ********* *** *** ***** *** as **** ** *** *** ** ******* ** give *** *** ** *** **** ** ***** **** **** *** designed sex ** * **** *** intimacy between *** people (J ********** ****** ********** in humans ** not ********* **** *** ************ ************* ** ********* ******** for ******** ** ******* ******* can **** them ******** * lot ** financial ********** **** **** with ******** ** ******** ** **** ** abstinence ***** ****** ** *** most ********* form ** ************* ******* couples need *** *** ***** ******** ****** depravity can ***** negatively ****** the ************ between *** people * couple ****** choose *** **** appropriate form ** ************* **** **** *** **** *********** with ****** using ******* or contraceptive pills ***** by ********* sexual attraction ******* *** ******* is ************* ****** ** *** ******** attributes ** ********** ********* ********* and Sex *** Everyone *** their preference when it ***** to *** ******** properties **** **** may **** their ******* ** **** ******* ******** ********** ** not *** ******* ****** ********** ** most people ********** ****** **** of **** **** ** look at *** their ******** ****** **** **** *************** *** emotionally **** *** ****** **** ** **** with **** ***** ***** ******** ********** **** away and ***** *********** their partners ** ********** ******** who they ********* is ********* *** ******* to maintain * ******* ****** ************ *** through ***** **** **** faithfulness being * *** ******** ** *** relationship (Marriage and Sex *** ******** * ****** ***** ******** ** devoid ** ********* **** should ******* *** ***** ******** *** ******** in * precise ****** **** ******* should ***** ******** *** ** ********* in ***** actions and ***** ****** ************* is *** **** *** ** solve ****** aside **** ******* ******** *** counseling **** *********************** theory ** **************** Robert ********* ********* **** ****** in 1985 ***** states **** the ***** ********** ** **** are an intimacy ********* * passion ********* *** * ********** **** In his ******* ******* *** ** linked to ****** emotional *********** or physical ******* caused ** *** ********** ** ***** with ******** ** ***** ********* *********** ******** ** a ****** (J ***** Being ********** ******* someone *** **** ** described ** ****** * strong ****** or ******** ******* ***** feelings ******* can ***** people ** *** differently and ********* **** ******* ******* ***** partners ** cases ***** ***** ******** or **** **** ************** ********* ******** ** * feeling ** ********** ** ********* ** **** ***** between ******* * sense ** ******** *** ***** ** ********** the **** between *** individuals ** creating * ***** ** ***** ** **** **** *** ******* Both parties are *********** ** **** other's companies ***** **** ***** ****** ******** *** **** *********** ******** *** ******* commitment ** more of * ******** **** ** **** individuals ** ** ******** to **** ***** *** ** ****** in the ************ ** ***** This ******** ****** ******* on *** level ** ************ **** partners get from *** ************ ****** states **** ***** *** ***** ways one *** define commitment: ** * ******* ** ** ** **** a ******* ** ** loyal ** ******* or ********* or *** ******** of someone ** **** **** in ******* ** ********* Sternberg **** ****** that **** ****** ** **** one *********** depends ** *** ******** ******** ** ***** ***** ********** *** *** **** of **** *** *********** depends ** their ******** ******** ** **** ****** (J ***** * ************ ***** ** ***** elements is more ****** to survive than just ** oneHealth **** ********* ****** ******* ******* ***** ** be ******* *** ******** to ******* ****** ********* but ********* **** is *** always *** **** ** ** important *** *********** ** ****** **** ***** *** their pasts ** **** *** ** *** *** ****** *** ** her ***** **** *** only ****** from their ****** ****** and adopt *** ******** *** ****** * couple *** **** ********** ******* ** sexual ********** **** ******* outside *** ************ **** ** ******* *** health ***** ******* ** ****** **** ****** ***** *** ** *** ******* ****** hazards ** *** ****** ** ******** transmitted diseases among **** ***** ******** A *** ****** needs ** visit a clinic ***** **** can ** ******* * ******* ******* ** ********* that **** ** them *** **** ******** ******* *** **** no diseasesFaithfulness *** loyalty *** advised ** keep ***** ******** at *** (Marriage *** *** *** When dealing **** ***** *** ******* case **** ** **** ***** ** ** ****** ** catch ** ********** disease from ***** ******** ******** ** sexual encounters ******* ***** could be ** * ****** risk ***** he *** **** ******* **** multiple ******** ****** ** met ***** **** should **** ***** to ****** **** **** of **** ***** ** ********* ******** *************** *************** *** ******* **** ** ********** ******* ***** **** ****** *** ** ********* ******* The ******* ****** that ************** *** *** ** ******** **** ***** ***** * Methodist *** ***** being * ****** *** fact that **** ** them *** ********* ***** **** **** have **** likely been **** and brought ** in *** ******* **** ***** **** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** *********** ***** **** **** **** ** ***** ** their ******** backgrounds **** ** them would prove ** **** **** *********** cultures due to *** influence ** ****** ** the ********** **** ********* ** would be *********** not ** ************ attach *** session ** ******** religious ******* **** biblical ********* or ****** **** the Quran **** ensures ******* ** ***** ********* ******** and ******* ** ** not to upset one party ** start ** ******** ***** ** ********* beliefs If **** ******* *** ***** ** ***** ****** backgrounds and their ********* ********* beliefs *** *** still ******* ** ** ******** it ***** that **** *** *********** with each ******* *********** **** *** *** want to ** ******** ** ***** therefore ** ** ********* ** **** * ******* ***** ** ********* *** cultural matters **** ******* with ** ********** ******* ** *********** ******* ****** ****** 2014)ReferencesJ * R (1997) ********* ********** ** * ********** **** scale European ******* ** ****** ********** ********** *** *** (nd) ********* **** **** ***** **** wwwwordandwayorg/item/679-premarital-counseling-part-4-marriage-and-sexStaff M * (2014 ******** 25) Premarital ********** ********* **** **** ******* ********************************************************************************************

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