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IT 338 Scripting Project Seven Guidelines and Rubric Overview: In this course, you will be responsible for completing seven scripting projects....

Write a Python script to alter the existing MXD to make a map for each county and export that map to a PDF. (

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IT 338 Scripting Project Seven Guidelines and RubricOverview: In this course, you will be responsible for completing seven scripting projects. Learning to program in Python requires developing an understanding ofgeneral programming concepts and learning the syntax of the Python programming language. These scripting projects will build on each other and help youcultivate your Python scripting knowledge. It is recommended that you do not limit your practice to just that which is graded. The more you write your ownscripts, the more proficient you will become with the tools available to you in Python and ArcGIS.Prompt: You are a newly hired GIS technician for a mapping consultancy group. You have been given the task to create general maps showing roads, streams,and towns for every county in Virginia. (There are a lot of counties). Write a Python script to alter the existing MXD to make a map for each county and exportthat map to a PDF.The data files for this scripting project can be downloaded here.Your submission should include your Python script complete with a brief description of the file in a commented ‘header’ section.The following critical elements should be addressed in your project submission:I. Code Description: A brief explanation of the code and a brief discussion of any issues that you encountered while completing the exercise. II. Functioning Script: A script must meet its specifications and behave as desired. To develop proper code, you should produce fully functioning code(produces no errors) that aligns with accompanying annotations. You should write your script in such a way that the submitted code actually executes,even if it does not produce the correct output. You will be given credit for partially correct output that can actually be viewed and seen to be partiallycorrect. III. Script Results: Properly generated results dictate that your script:a. Generates accurate output; andb. Produces results are streamlined, efficient, and error-free. IV. Annotation/Documentation: All code should also be well-commented. This is a practiced ‘art’ that requires striking a balance between commentingeverything, which adds a great deal of unneeded noise to the code, and commenting nothing. Well-annotated code requires you to:a. Explain the purpose of lines or sections of your code detailing the approach and method the programmer took to achieve a specific task in thecode;b. Document any section of code that is producing errors or incorrect results. V. Style and Structure: Part of the lesson to be learned in this course is how to write code that is clearly readable and formatted in an organized manner.To achieve this, you should:a. Develop logically organized code that can be modified and maintained; b. Utilize proper syntax, style, and language conventions/best practices.Guidelines for Submission: For each exercise, include the Python file ( containing code that should start with a header comment containing a title (name,course, date, project number) and a discussion of the code.Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,review these instructions.RubricCritical ElementsCode Description FunctioningScript Script Results:Accurate Output Script Results:Efficiency Annotations/Documentation:Explanation ofPurpose Annotations/Documentation:Errors Exemplary (100%)Meets “Proficient” criteria andthe explanation is provided andincludes elements of scholarlyresearchMeets “Proficient” criteria andaligns with the accompanyingannotated code Proficient (85%)A complete explanation of thecode is provided and difficultiesare discussed Needs Improvement (55%)The code description isincomplete Not Evident (0%)No explanation is provided Value10 Program is fully functioning andincludes code to meet allspecificationsData results are accurate inregards to the given problem Program does not run orsignificant details of thespecifications are violated oromittedProgram does not produceresults for the given problem 20 Meets “Proficient” criteria andthe program is capable ofproducing accurate resultsbeyond the specifications of thegiven problemMeets “Proficient” criteria andincluded sophisticatedtechniques such as errorhandling or reference to usercreated functionsMeets “Proficient” criteria andclarity of annotations facilitatesscript navigation for a variedaudience, and is written in aconcise manner Program is not fully functioningor does not include all of thespecifications of the givenproblemProgram produces incorrectresults for the given problem Writes the script resulting in aprofessional-grade, functional,and highly efficient script Written script is inefficient orproduces errors under certaincircumstances Script incomplete 20 Code annotations fully explainthe code and facilitatenavigation of the script code Code is not fully or logicallyannotated 5 Meets “Proficient” criteria andsections that might havepreferable or alternativesolutions are clearly annotated Sections of code that produceerrors are clearly annotated andinclude a summary of the issue Comments provide littleassistance with understandingthe code. Code annotations donot fully explain the code or donot facilitate navigation of yourscript codeSections of code producingerrors or incorrect results areidentified, but no furtherexplanation of the issues isprovided Sections producing errors orincorrect results are notdocumented 5 15 Style andStructure:LogicallyOrganized Code Style andStructure:SyntaxStyle andStructure:Best Practices Meets “Proficient” criteria andthe script is stylistically welldesigned. The code is wellorganized and presented in away that it can be modified andmaintainedMeets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates deliberateattention spacing, whitespace,and variable namingMeets “Proficient” criteria anddemonstrates an understandingof why certain techniques areconsidered “best practice” The code is logically organized The code contains portions thatare not logically organized Code is poorly organized or verydifficult to read 5 Code follows proper syntax andconventions Code contains variations fromestablished syntax andconventions Contains significant variationsfrom established syntax andconventions 10 Best practices were used indesigning and writing the script,but some errors are present Best practices were used indesigning and writing the script,but many errors are present Best practices were not used indesigning and writing the script 10 Earned Total 100%
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