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JE 5 TOPIC - Defininga Generation Every generation has something distinctive about it. Onegeneration may be more politically active, another more...

JE 5 TOPIC - Defininga Generation<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Every generation has something distinctive about it. Onegeneration may be more politically active, another more self-centered, andanother more pessimistic. Identify a significant characteristic of your owngeneration, and explain why you thing that this characteristic is good or bad.Support your point of view with your own examples, readings, or observations.

It have to be a fiveparagraph essay and please follow the instructions below

GradeA+ (100%)

(20%)there is clear direction in thesis. The purpose of this essay is shown in thethesis. Thesis shows this is a CAUSE OR EFFECT essay.

(20%)the supporting details support the thesis making the essay unified. Thesupporting details stand for the rhetorical mode presented in the thesis.

(10%)This essay uses an effective introduction.

(10%)This essay uses an effective conclusion.

(10%)The content of this essay expands on the topic given. It has branches that addnew information. It has illustrations or stories that add to the content. Eachparagraph has a minimum of five (5) sentences.

(15%)All sentences are structurally correct. There is a mix of different sentencepatterns.

(15%)Essay is properly edited. There are no mechanical or grammatical errors.

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