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JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century

ASSIGNMENT 2: CELERITAS LEADERSHIP PROJECT Part 1: Due Week 7 and Part 2: Due Week 10 (40% of final grade) "A good leader…is someone who has energy, can articulate a vision and inspire others to perform, makes the tough decisions, has the skill to deliver, and never fails to deliver the financials." Jack Welch Leadership comes with many challenges. You need to motivate, inspire and encourage your teams to work toward common goals. This assignment offers you an opportunity to apply what you have been learning about leadership to a complex business situation. It is designed to help you synthesize the leadership practices we have studied so far into informed recommendations that address the challenges presented in the case. For this two part assignment, you will evaluate how leaders can ensure collaboration and cohesiveness among all team members. You will also demonstrate your ability to lead (e.g. appraise, evaluate, interpret, etc.), through this case analysis. Be sure to consider suggestions from your reading of Lencioni's, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Additionally, this case analysis should incorporate concepts and examples from the course lectures, discussions, videos, readings, and DiSC and TKI results. NOTE: Assignment 2 is broken down into two parts. You will submit Part 1 (Problem and Analysis) of this assignment in Week 7 and Part 2 (Executive Summary, Revisions to the Problem and Analysis, and Recommendations) in Week 10. Part 1: Problem and Analysis Due Week 7, Sunday (15% of final grade) During Weeks 4-6, we have explored a number of leadership topics from the perspectives of both team members and team leaders. This assignment will help to integrate these topics with the materials from Weeks 1-3 of the course. Be sure to make use of all that we have learned since Week 1, e.g., personal leadership style, the DiSC, TKI, etc. Instructions 1. Read the Celeritas case. 2. Write a 3-6 page paper to address the following: a. Problem: Define the issue or problem. Then, explain the background of the case study and identify how the Celeritas senior team was dysfunctional. (Suggested length: 1 page ) b. Analysis: Examine the possible causes of the issue or problem. (Suggested length: 2-5 pages) i. How did CEO, Dr. Philip Boyer’s leadership style contribute to the team’s dysfunction? ii. How is Boyer's leadership style different from Carla Reese's leadership style? JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century Assignment 2: Celeritas Leadership Project (Parts 1 and 2) © Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. Page 2 of 8 iii. Why was Dave Lloyd ineffective in influencing his boss and colleagues? iv. How could Lloyd have handled the off-site SVP meeting differently? What actions could Lloyd have taken to effectively work with his colleagues and get his career back on track? v. How effective were previous team building efforts at Celeritas? What worked well, and why? What didn't work well, and why? Professional Formatting Requirements:  Typed, single or double spaced, professional font (size 10-12), includes headings and subheadings, with one-inch margins on all sides. See the Sample Professional Paper under Course Documents for an example.  References must be included and provide appropriate information that enables the reader to locate the original source. Application and analysis of course materials and resources is expected, and additional research is welcome.  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student name(s), the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.  The suggested length is 3-6 pages, excluding your cover page and reference list.

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