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Respond to Peers: By Day 7, respond to at least two of your classmates' initial posts. Your peer responses should be substantive and at least 100 words each. Demonstrate your understanding of the topic by respectfully asking questions, raising new points for consideration, or requesting clarification from your fellow students. For example, you may want to compare your real-world examples to those of your classmates and see how they are similar or different and discuss why.

·         Trinity Woods

·         100 Words Response Needed

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Explain why the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances are important for our democracy. The purpose of separation of powers is to ensure no one party has more power than another.  The separation of powers divides tasks into three powers which are legislative, executive, and judicial.  Checks and balances are important to control the amount of power each branch of the government has. An example of separation of powers is the immigration laws that are flooding the United States.  In 2015 Congress delegated the power to the Executive Branch to determine whether foreigners should be granted temporary protected status, to grant permission for one to stay in the United States when they do not qualify for a visa, and to decide whether a deportation should be followed through.  An example of checks and balances is the way laws are made.  The legislstive branch first proposes the bill, the bill is then voted on by Congress and sent to the Executive branch.  The Legislative branch has the power to make the law and the Executive branch carries the law out.

Discuss how the Constitution protects individual and group rights. The constitution protects individual and group rights under the Bill of Rights.  An important right that is protected is Freedom of Speech.  A recent example of Freedom of Speech is the protests being done against police brutality. This amendment under the Bill of Rights also guarantees freedom of expression and the right to assemble.


First Amendment. LII / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 28 August 2017, from https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/first_amendment 

http://www.washingtontimes.com, T. (2015). Celebrate Liberty Month: Immigration and the separation of powers. The Washington Times. Retrieved 28 August 2017, from http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/7/celebrate-liberty-month-immigration-and-the-separa/

·         Christina Ishman

100 Words Response Needed

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Christina Ishman

Explain why the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances are important for our democracy.

The separation of power is very important in America. Having only one branch or one person with complete power would be tragic because we need to have separation of power. There are three branches of government. Those branches are called Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The Legislative branch is in control of all the money and deals and is done so mostly with the president and. It is made up of two components called the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Executive branch handles our laws and military armed forces, The Executive branch controls the Electoral College for the next President campaign while votes are being accumulated. The Judicial branch reviews the  laws that have been or are attempting to be passed by the legislative branch as well as settling and disputes through the Supreme Court between state and national governments. The three branches of government is good for the people because it doesn't allow one branch to have all the control They work together to protect the best interest of the people, governmtbt and states. I think they have more control than they need and that we can vote on a lot of things they take care but I guess it works and has been working.

Discuss how the Constitution protects individual and group rights.

The constitution protects us as individuals and as groups with the Bill of Rights protecting our rights. This allows citizens to practice certain social aspects within America as well as life liberty and the pursuit of happiness whether it's through religion, speech or the right to bear arms and etc.The constitution protects individuals rights with the Freedom of Speech without fear of government retaliation.  I think this right is the most important.

Levin – Waldmen, O.M. (2012) American Government. [ Electronic version]. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

http://www.washingtontimes.com, T. (2015). Celebrate Liberty Month: Immigration and the separation of powers. The Washington Times. Retrieved 28 August 2017, from http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/7/celebrate-liberty-month-immigration-and-the-separa/

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