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know the import/export opportunities in Canada. Your topic should be about international business between Canada and another country, not a general...

  • know the import/export opportunities in Canada. Your topic should be about international business between Canada and another country, not a general one. Please show me your new topic in class in Week 3. General topics will not be accepted. Please use my template if you don't have your own.If you want to export from Canada, visit edc.ca
  • If you want to import to Canada, visit tfocanada.ca

Students should be able to answer the questions: 1) Who will this research benefit (cannot be all companies, all workers, etc.)? and 2) Who can provide funding for your research (must be a specific company)? You need a product/service to be exported from / imported to Canada.

Students must also visit and include the following sources in Bibliography (cannot copy and paste, must use your specific pages):

1. Government of Canada. Research and business intelligence https://www.canada.ca/en/services/business/research.html.

2. Export Development Canada (EDC). Market Research. 

http://www.edc.ca/EN/About-Exporting/Trade-Links/Pages/market-research.aspx (for exporting)

3. Industry Canada. Import, Export and Investment. https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/icgc.nsf/eng/h_07052.html

4. Trade Facilitation Office (TFO) Canada. www.tfocanada.ca (for importing)

5. Global Affairs Canada - Trade Commissioner Service (TCS). www.international.gc.ca

6. Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)

7. Canada Business Network. Market research and statistics. https://canadabusiness.ca/business-planning/market-research-and-statistics/?it=eng/page/2864/

8. Forum for International Trade Training www.fitt.ca and www.tradeready.ca
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