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Language is often a central element of many cultures. Language learning presents many milestones in language development. The majority of the world learns one language if not more. However, parenting

Language is often a central element of many cultures. Language learning presents many milestones in language development. The majority of the world learns one language if not more. However, parenting language practices vary around the globe.

Remarkably, despite diversity in child-rearing all children typically learn a language following the same steps and sequence and at about the same pace, even though the actual languages spoken differ. Some aspects of language learning are similar across cultures. For instance, in child-directed speech, adults tend to utilize simple words, a slow pace, and a sing-song soft melodious pattern when speaking with young children; such speech assists children in learning a language.

For this Discussion, you will explore the advantages and challenges of language development in birth to adolescent development.

To Prepare:

Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider the following situation:

Imagine a 6-year-old entering the public education system in the United States and his/her parents or adult caregiver(s) are not native English speakers. The student has been living in the U.S. for most of his/her life. The home language survey indicates another language is spoken at home other than English. 

By Day 4

Post an explanation of at least two potential challenges this student might face. Further explain the advantages this student’s linguistic background might offer.

Note: Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.

Read your colleagues’ postings.

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