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Legal Business 100 Management and the legal environment chapter 11 and 15

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Question 1

A ______ is used in conjunction with services.



certification mark




service mark


trade name

Question 2

Mandy purchased a business law book and used it during her business law class.  She later loaned the book to Steven, and then to Christen.  Another student accused her of copyright violation and threatened to report her to the book publisher and also to her school’s ethics board.  Did Mandy violate the copyright laws?





No, because her loans would be covered by the fair use doctrine.


No, because her loans would be covered under the first sale doctrine.


No, because her loans would be covered under the equivalency doctrine

Question 3

Which of the following are defenses to patent-infringement claims?



noninfringement, invalidity of the patent, misuse of the patent, and innocent infringement


noninfringement, invalidity of the patent, fair use, and innocent infringement


noninfringement, fair use, misuse of the patent, and innocent infringement


Fair use, misuse of the patent, innocent infringement, and illegality of the patent

Question 4

A _________ mark is a coined term having no prior meaning until used as a trademark in connection with a particular product.










Question 5

An example of a fanciful trademark is










Question 6

A _________ mark is a real word whose ordinary meaning has nothing to do with a trademarked product.










Question 7

The term _____ is used to describe a nonpracticing entity that purchases one or more patents with the intent to enforce the patents against infringers, rather than to manufacture a patented product or supply a patented service.



patent troll


illegal user


patent hoarder


patent stasher

Question 8

The practice of _________ occurs when an individual registers a famous trademark as an Internet domain name and then offer to sell the domain name to the trademark owner for a ransom.



Internet trademark abuse


domain misuse


domain / trademark harassment



Question 9

A design dictated by function may be protected by a(n) ________ patent.









useful articles

Question 10

Which of the following is an example of an arbitrary trademark?










Question 11

When can a corporate officer be held civilly liable under the Clean Water Act?



Corporate officers are strictly liable whenever a violation by their company is established.


Only if the corporate officer specifically ordered the unlawful discharge.


If the corporate officer had the authority to exercise control over the activity that caused the unlawful discharge or if the officer knowingly violated the act.


Corporate officers may never be held liable in an individual capacity.

Question 12

What was the result in Pakootas v. Teck Cominco Metals, Ltd., the case in the text in which the plaintiffs sued the defendant, a Canadian corporation, regarding an order under CERCLA pertaining to its contamination of water in Canada that reached the U.S.?



The court ruled that the defendant lacked the minimum contacts necessary to require it to submit to the jurisdiction of a U.S. court.


The court ruled that subject matter jurisdiction did not exist.


The court ruled that the defendant was subject to jurisdiction in the U.S. court.


The court ruled that the defendant lacked the minimum contacts necessary to require it to submit to the jurisdiction of a U.S. court and that subject matter jurisdiction did not exist.

Question 13

The _______ occurs when individuals exploit a limited shared resource and contribute to its depletion knowing that there will be a detrimental impact in the long term.



impact on the masses


destructive resources impact


tragedy of the commons


absolute negative

Question 14

Under which of the following may a parent corporation be held liable under CERCLA for facilities ostensibly operated by a subsidiary?



As an owner of a subsidiary whose corporate veil has been pierced


As an operator of the facility


Both as an owner of a subsidiary whose corporate veil has been pierced and as an operator of the facility


Under no circumstances may a parent corporation be held liable

Question 15

The Clean Air Act does not require which of the following?



That the EPA must establish national ambient air quality standards.


That every state must meet their individual air quality standards.


That air quality in areas that already meet national standards cannot deteriorate.


That the EPA must preserve natural visibility in the wilderness areas.

Question 16

Which of the following was the result in New Jersey v. EPA, the case in the text involving whether the EPA violated the clean Air Act when it delisted electric utility steam generating units from the list of sources of mercury pollution listed in the Clean Air Act and instituted a cap-and-trade system whereby plants emitting more than their allotments of mercury could buy credits from other plants?



The court upheld both the delisting and the cap-and-trade provision.


The court upheld the delisting provision but invalidatedand the cap-and-trade provision.


The court invalidated the delisting provision but upheld and the cap-and-trade provision.


The court invalidated both the delisting and the cap-and-trade provision.

Question 17

What does the Superfund Recycling Equity Act do?



It exempts recyclers from liability in private-party actions under CERCLA.


It exempts recyclers from suits brought by the state or federal government.


It provides a 10% federal rebate for recycling expenses incurred by corporations engaged in recycling activities.


It provides a 5% federal rebate for recycling expenses incurred by corporations engaged in recycling activitie

Question 18

Abandoned or historically polluted sites are governed by the _______ whereas the _______ covers current and future hazardous waste treatment facilities.



Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System


Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System


Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act


Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Question 19

Which of the following is currently the world’s top carbon polluter?







The U.S.



Question 20

Most environmental laws are administered by the



Council on Environmental Quality


Environmental Protection Agency


National Environmental Policy Commission


Resource Conservation and Recovery Agenc

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