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Liberty University CJUS 330 Test 4
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** ******** ** *** ** 2 pointsIn ********** ** *** ***** **** * criminal defendant’s ***** ********* ***** to * **** trial ** ******** when *********** ******** ********* ******** ****** *** ***** processSelected **************** v ********* Question 22 *** ** 2 ********* __________ ********* guarantees **** ****** ****** be secured ******* ************ ******** *** **************** **************** ******** 32 *** ** * ********** might ****** to * **** ** * ***** is ********* ***** ********* ** * trial?Selected ************ ***** ** ************* ******** ** out ** * ********** ** ******* name for ***** juries?Selected ************* ******** Question ** *** of * ************** trials start **** *** presumptions: *** presumption ** ********* *** the presumption ** ________Selected **************** ******** ** *** ** * pointsChallenges to jurors that ******* * justification are ****** challenges ****************** *********** ******* ******** ** *** ** * ******** __________ *** due ******* ****** ** *** ********** Amendment ************ *** ***** Amendment’s ***** to * jury trialSelected ************** * *********** Question 82 *** ** * ********** ************* **** ** our ********** ******* *** ***** ***** ************** ********** ******* **** trial ** jury *** ****** ************* ** ***** ****** *** US ************ ******* **** ** ****** in ******* ****** ***** ********* ******* dramatically ******* when the ******* ***** decidedDuncan * Louisiana(1968) ruling **** *** **** ********** ** *** Sixth ********* were ************ ** *** Due Process ****** of the ********** ********* ** ***** to ***** courts ** **** ********** ********* grappled with the ******* of ******** *** ******* ******* ** *** ***** ** ***** by **** *** **** ********* issues concerned *** scope of *** ***** to * jury ***** the size ** *** **** *** ********* ****** nonunanimous verdicts Stefanie ** ****** *********** ** *** local ******** ***** of *** ********* is **** likely ************* *********** **** not **** a ***** to * jury ******* ******** *** *** ** 15 ********* US ******* ***** *** ******** six-member ****** in criminal casesSelected ************* ******** **** *** ** ** ********* *** ** *** ************* when ****** **** ** ***** *********** ** ****** ********* jurors because ** hardshipSelected ************** ******** **** *** ** 15 ******* *** ***** ********* ****** involved ** * ************* prosecutor defense ******** defendant—from talking to the ************* ************* Question **** *** of ** ********* ******* ******* ** *** **** ** to ******* oppression by *** ****************** ************* Question 1315 out ** ** ********* ** Supreme ***** *** ***** **** master **** lists **** ******* a ************** *** ********* ***** section ** *** ***************** ************* Question 1415 *** of ** ************** * ******** the Supreme Court ********** *** ******* ** *********** *** **** preemptory challenges ** keep African-Americans *** *** **** ** *** **** ********* ** **************** ***************** ************* Question 152 *** ** 2 *************** branch ********* ** punishment ** ********* ******* ****************** ************** boards and pardons· Question *** *** ** * *************** ** the due ******* ***** ******* *** ***** ******* ** ****************** ***************** ******** 172 *** ** * ************* ** ********** *** ** *** throwing away *** ****** *** we ****** that ** ******* be able ** rape ******* ******** **** statement **** ******* ***** ** *** ********* ******** of ******************* ************************ ******** *** out of * *********** ********* ** *** ************ ********* ***** and ******* ******************** ************** *********** Question *** *** of * ******** __________ ** was ******* that prisoners *** *** ************ ********* in ******* court ***** 42 *** ************ ************** * ****** ******** *** out ** * ********** ******** ************ ****** *** exact ****** of ***** ** ** served ** prison?Selected ******************* ********** ******** *** *** ** 2 ******** ******* ********* *** primary purpose ** punishment was __________Selected Answer:dretribution· ******** *** *** of * ******* sum ** ***** **** ** *** ********** ** * person convicted ** an offense ** punishment ** ****** ****************** ********* ****** ******** **** *** ** 15 ******* ********** ********** **** ****** for ****** *** downward ********** from the ****************** Answer:True· ******** 2415 out ** 15 ********* **** ** the offender and ****** ** **** ********* ** sentencing than the **** ** *** ******** ************* Answer:False· ******** **** *** ** ** pointsWhen a ***** ** perceived ** ** **** ******* ********** ******* **** ** ***** ****** *** given relatively less weight **** **** *** ***** is more *************** ************** ******** 2615 *** ** 15 pointsOne reason *** **** **** ** ************ is the length ** ***************** Answer:True· ******** **** *** ** 15 ******* law on the ***** ******** ** ********* ******* ********* stresses ************* by discretion ******* * law in ****** ******** ******** certainty of ****************** ************* Question *** out ** 2 ************ ******* ** trial proceedings that require ******** ** * ********** *** ****** *** * *** trial ** ***** ** ***** a *********** ** ******* are ****** __________Selected Answer:bplain ******** ******** *** *** ** * pointsThe error-correction ******** ** ********* review ******** against ********* ********** ** mistaken ***** ********* ** a ***** ***** __________Selected Answer:cjudge· Question *** *** ** 2 ********** arguments involve ************ ******* ******* __________Selected ***************** judges *** lawyers· Question *** out ** 2 **************** ******* ** ******** *********** come from ********** ****** *** **** ************* ************ ******** *** *** of * ********** ** *** **** of *** six ********* ****** in *** ******* **************** *************** *** ********* Question *** out of 2 ************** ********** *** ********** the ***** ** have ** ********* ***** directly examine ***** convictions *** *** ***** of ******* errors ** **** ** **** ** what?Selected ************ * ****** ** appeal ****** *** ********* **** ******** Question *** *** ** * pointsDuring ****** attorneys **** **** ****** objections ** ********* ******* ** ****** ** law ** *** ********* **** be deemed ****** **** ** *** **** ** *** ************* Answer:acontemporaneous objection ****** ******** *** *** ** 2 pointsFor ********** years *** **** nine ******** *** ** the ******* Court; however this ******* ** ************ ************ ******** 362 out ** * ********** ********** ****** approach ********* decision ****** ** different ways ********* on the ***** ** ********* presented for ****** ** ****** Sometimes appellate ****** *** **** *********** ** **** ******** ** lower courts ******* other ***** **** **** ** ********* ** *** *** much ********* or ******** ** appellate ***** **** afford ** *** ********* ** * ***** **** ** administrative ****** in ** ****** ** ******** to ** *********** ** *********** ***** *********** ******** ** appellate review ** criminal ***** ** ****************** Answer:dde ****** ******** **** *** ** ** *********** * ****** guilty” ******* ** ******** the prosecutor ****** ****** *** ********* **** if *** ******** ***** *** littered with ******* mistakesSelected ************* Question 3815 *** ** ** pointsThe ****** ***** ** the ***** court *** ** ********* ****** ** **** to file ** ************** ************** ******** **** out ** ** ********* current ** ******* ***** ** ****** ***************** ************* ******** 400 out of ** ***************** ** *** ***** ****** ** last resort ******* ** death penalty ******* *** ************** ************* ******** 4115 *** ** ** ************** ***** to ***** **** according ** *** ***** *************** ************* ******** ******* GradingWhat ************ apply at *** ***** of ******* What ** *** ****** of proof applicable ** ********** them?Selected Answer:The ************ at *** ********* ** * ***** is ********* and ******** is *** job ** *** ********** ** ********* ********** evidence ****** ********* ****** the ***** ** rebut the presumption ** ********* *** burden of ***** ****** * ********** ***** ** the *********** cannot present their **** with *** burdenof ***** ****** *** ****************** ******* ********** ** the ********* was ***** **************** ************** ************ ** ***** ****** ** *********