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Library Quick 'n' Dirty Transcript Ashford University Library You just found out you have to conduct research for a paper in your course, but you are...

Write a one- to two-page essay that describes the benefits of using the Ashford University Library. Your paper should:

  • Explain the differences between scholarly resources and popular resources.
  • Describe the key things to remember when searching for sources within the Ashford University Library (e.g., databases, FindIt@AU search tool).
  • Detail how you will be most effective and efficient in finding resources that fit your research needs.

Format your paper according to APA way of writing guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 

Your paper should demonstrate your ability to use the functions within MS Word to create a document with the following elements:

  • A page for the title (see below for specific information to include on this page) 
  • Page numbers located in the top, right corner of the page (header page number function) 
  • Paragraphs that are with the first line indented by .5 inch (line spacing function) 
  • Page margins set to one inch on all four sides (margins function)
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Statements such as "This paper is about..." or "I am going to tell you..." are not acceptable in college-level writing. 
  • Must address the topic of this paper with critical thought. 
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. 
  • Must use at least one source in addition to the course text.
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