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List of viroid diseases in plant & animals?

All viroids so far isolated have come from higher plants. There are some unspecified animal diseases of unknown etiology that might be caused by viroid-like agents.

One may be hepatitis C in humans.

A list of plant viroids is : Potato spindle tuber viroid (potatoes) Citrus exocortis (citrus plants) (sometimes called "scalybutt"). This can also infect tomato plants (sometimes called "tomato bunchy top disease")

Citrus gummy bark viroid Grapevine viroid

Dapple peach fruit disease viroid Citrus chachexia viroid Cucumber pale fruit viroid

Dapple plum and peach fruit disease viroid Cadang-cadang is a disease caused by Coconut cadang-cadang viroid (a lethal viroid of Coconut) Avocado sunblotch viroid (an important disease affecting avocado trees) Peach latent mosaic viroid (present in all peach- and nectarine-producing areas of the world) and lastly Eggplant latent viroid

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