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Locate two articles on the topic of virtual supply chains. Synthesize each article into a one-page summary using your own words. Include the following: • Definitions of virtual supply chains • How
Locate two articles on the topic of virtual supply chains. Synthesize each article into a one-page summary using your own words. Include the following: • Definitions of virtual supply chains • How virtual supply chains function • Advantages of virtual supply chains • Disadvantages of virtual supply chains • How virtual supply chains have reshaped business sectors
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** ******** TO VIRTUAL ****** CHAIN: ******* OF ** *** ******************* NameCourse ************** *************** *********************** ****** ***** **************** ***** ** * ****** ** organizations ****** ********** information and resources ******** ** ****** * ******* ** service **** a ************ ** *** consumer The ******* supply ***** ** *** ******* of ********* supply chain ******** to ****** **** ********* *** ********* movement ** both physical ***** *** *********** in * ****** and ********** ***** *********** **** ************** ********** with *** intrinsic *********** ** enable it ******* adopt and adapt ** changes ** *** business ******************** of ******* ****** ****** ******* ****** ***** system is **** ** *** ***** ********** ** ** ************ *** ******** **** ** ******** **** ** *********** *** groups **** **** ** ** ********* *** ******* ******* *** *********** in an organization to *** **** ****** *********** ********** ******* ************* ******* warehousing *** logistics projects ******** the ************* ****** **** ** *** ******* supply ***** is ******** ** ***** ************* *** organizational ******** ** ********************* ** ******* ****** ChainRegister ***** *** ************ **** structureExperienced ****** ** **** rare ** **** *** ***** ********* *** coming ** *** *********** that ****** ***** ** * ******* industry delivers low-cost ********* ** individuals ** a **** ******** age with talents to ***** experience ************ ***** ** ******* a ******** ******* In ******** **** technology ** place ******** ***** ********** ** up ** *** **** **** ******** through *********** ** ******* ** ******** spikes in supply ***** ************** *** systems **** proven ******* ********** ************* ** cloud ******** *** *********** ***** *** *** to ************* ******* ********* *** new ******* ******** ***** operational performance ***** in addition to ****** *********** from ****** ** **** ** **** ** ************ ** to ******** *********** quick ****** ** ***************** assessing ** ********* performance *** salary ********* *** ** *** ****** ** a company *** larger ******* ** motivate *** recognize the efforts of ***** ******* *** ******* employee ******** ********* *** satisfaction thereby increasing ******* In ******** ****** ***** ******** ***** ********* with quick growth ** ****** ********* ** external talented ****** ***** bandwidth ** needed ******** **** and ****** ** ****** ************ ******* that can ******* **** goods ** ********* **** ** *********************** ** ******* ****** ************* ******* Supply ***** ** superior to *********** warehousing *** ****** ***** *** market ****** constantly ******* and ** ***** ********** ** ******* ******* causing long product **** ****** slow reaction to ******** ****** scenarios ** **** ** *** ******* diversity (Nishat ****** & ******* 2006)Reshaping ******** ******* through Virtual ****** Chain *** ************* of ***** computing into ****** ***** revises ** a *** that ** ****** to **** * ************ ****** ******** ***** ** ********** ******** **** ********* thrilling ***** *** ******** **** ********* ************* for ********* that ***** ** *** ** as **** as it becomes available On *** other hand ****** ***** ** * ******* lets ********* concentrate ** their *********** ********* ***** ***** ** *** maximum ********* ************ *** ******* ****** to give *** desired ******* ** *********** ******* ***** ** ********* ********* companies *** **** ** ******* ***** ****** **** **** *** existing ******** ** *********** ***** *** *** ****** ** ********* ***** ******* ********* completeness ** advantage **** ***** ************* in ***** *** ********************* *** **************** ***** ****** ***** ** * service: *** ******* ** * ******* ****** ***** (2016) ******* and *** ** ************ ********* from https://wwwindustrystarsolutionscom/blog/2016/06/case-supply-chain-service/Da Cruz ***** P ******* * Degen * ******* * ******* * (2016) ******* ****** Chain ********** ** ****** advantages and ****** ************ ** - ************************ - ********* **** ********************************************************************************************************************************** ****** * ****** D K ***** ******* * ****** Mapping ****** ****** ** risk and customersensitivity dimensions ********** ********** & Data ******* 106(6) *******